Snoozing to Jerusalem.


as I sat in the rain this morning in front of the kolache shop with my haiku, I was swept away by the memory of some of the places I've been and the misbetton reasons I went there.? Now that I won't travel more than? four blocks to the Temple, I have to shake my head at how itchy my feet were when I was younger.? Mexico appealed to me for the cheap living and slower pace of life; Thailand for the beautiful people, the food, and the beaches.? Canada only for the poutine and the fishing. I kept being drawn back to Minnesota because I thought I could find the innocence of my youth there as an adult. And North Dakota drew me back again and again because that was where I met Amy.? Utah I always thought of as the Promised Land because of BYU and the Temples.? So I bounced around like a ping pong ball, never finding rest until I was forced into public housing here in Provo, warehoused because of my old age and poverty.

But hallelujah, it turns out that Provo is my (our) true and final haven. I like it here. Can't think of living anywhere else.

Poor Amy -- she has to work from 8 in the morning until ten tonight.? Luckily, she only has 2 more days of work and then is done until next year. To celebrate I've ordered her a special chocolate cheesecake from a boutique bakery. I admire her ability and determination to keep working at a demanding office job.? She likes to work and is not afraid of monotonous tasks and chores.? i, on the other hand, am terrified of the least little bit of tediousness.? She is determined to save up enough to buy a harp and learn to play it.? A good one costs about $2500.? I bought myself a penny whistle a few months ago to learn to play -- but it sits in a drawer, abandoned. I no longer have the energy or motivation to learn a new musical instrument. And to think that once I taught myself to play the musical saw!? Now I can barely summon enough interest to whistle a tune all the way through . . .

It was raining this morning when Amy and I got up, but I was determined to take my haiku out on the street no matter what.? I lasted from 8 to 11, when the rain just got to be too much.? I made 14 dollars, anyways, and was given four kolaches -- two of which I ate.? When I was out the other day two guys with guitars set up shop not twenty feet away from me and began taking away my business.? I decided to remain cool, calm, and collected, and simply packed up and left.? I rewarded myself for my zen mindset by buying the biggest Italian sub I could find at the supermarket and eating all of it with a bowl of jalapeno/honey potato chips and a whole dill pickle.? With two Twinkies for dessert. The kibitzing musicians did not show up today, but I still went ahead and bought a crab salad croissant sandwich at Fresh Market and had it with chips and another whole dill pickle for lunch.

I got into my pajamas at 4 pm and am just marking time until Amy comes home tonight after 10.? Our daughter Madelaine lets us use her Disney Channel access, so I'm clogging my mind with Star War TV episodes.? Now I'm on episode four of Obi Wan Kanobi, in between dozing and checking my Twitter account and emails. I've got a good book, a biography of William Gladstone, right next to me, but I can't muster the energy to turn off the boob tube and pick up the book.

When I got home today I turned up the thermostat to 80, wrapped up in a blanket, and took a 2 hour nap.

This last portion of my life I intend to label "Snoozing to Jerusalem."

My thoughts are drifting apart from each other like chunks floating free from an iceberg. So I better quit before I pull a solecism?

I remember once in high school, the year our school was forced to integrate and was flooded by new pugnacious students, I was part of a football pep rally. I gave what I thought was a very comical pep talk to the assembled students, in which I said, among other things, "It's time to call a spade a spade."? I didn't realize it, until after I'd said it, that 'spade' was considered a very racist word.? The uproar that followed nearly got me lynched.

That's the kind of blunder I'm liable to make if I continue writing much longer . . .

Loving the focus on the small details - remember, Socrates once implied that wisdom begins in wonder. Keep exploring! ???



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