The Snooze Button
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
The snooze button is stealing your energy...
It's stealing your life!
If you read me frequently, you know I'm an early riser.?
In fact, research shows that approximately 45% of the wealthiest most successful people in the world get up at least 3 HOURS before they have to start working.
Many people would rather sleep than LIVE. With the average individual sleeping 33% of their life away that means that if you're 30 years old, you've slept approximately 10 year of your entire life!
If you're 40 years old you've slept 13 full years of your life!
I'm NOT anti-sleep, I'm PRO-LIFE; and while I've given you some sleep stats, this is not what this particular TE is about per se.?
It's about the SNOOZE button. Literally and metaphorically.
It's a researched fact that when the alarm awakens you and you hit the snooze button you DON'T get a good sleep from thereafter. AND because the sleep you do get is continually disrupted by the alarm it actually makes you feel more tired.
It steals your energy.
But let's take this further. How many times do you "hit the snooze" on your email? Your text??
Yet it's there, you see it, it's nagging to be completed.?
It's a broken commitment. It steals your energy.
How many times do you shuffle paper around your desk from this pile to that?
The constant visual frustration and call to completion are stealing your energy.
How many times do you procrastinate on something that needs to get done (hit the snooze) because you just don't want to step up and do it?
Yet it's there. Like a nagging little splinter in the back of your mind. It's stealing your energy.
Hitting the snooze is a lack of commitment and follow-through.
It's a lack of respect for your life and your time.
Not to mention a lack of respect for your WORD!
If you don't respect yourself enough to keep your commitments how can I respect you?
How can ANYONE?
If you don't respect yourself enough to keep your commitments, then how do you think God or Universal Intelligence can respect your dreams, desires, and intentions?
Remove the "snooze button" from your life, and your life will radically change.
"Whatsoever thou must do, do quickly. Leave not until tomorrow what must be done today." ~ Esoteric Axiom
The ONLY time you have is NOW.
Are you ready to Take Action Now? Are you ready to level up in ALL areas? To make your Thoughts Thunder and your Word Law? Join me for Mental Alchemy Mind, Matter, and Magic Experience via ZOOM on December 11th & 12th, 2021. Go here for details:
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