Snippets of Life Music
‘Snippets of Life Music’ brings together twenty irresistible short stories and twenty five ingeniously scripted short-short stories by the master storyteller, who, in clear and simple prose, takes the reader into a world that is both surreal and real. The stories in the collection cater for all groups of readers. They unlock certain secrets of human life, convey wonderful information in a simple but surprisingly entertaining way, present practical solutions to some common problems, deal with spiritual and religious issues, open a world of fantasy and horror, expose the corrupt practices that exist within the system, send sweet pain of love and romance shooting up a passionate heart, thus intriguing and enthralling readers and tickling their imagination. Moreover, they leave an indelible impression, since they kindle feelings that are sure to stay with the audience for days.
My book offers my benign readers the opportunity of understanding just in few hours all that I have learnt in many years and that involves a lot of hard work. I have served facts and events up on this book as they naturally are rather than decorating them with swelling and glorious words or with some external embellishment. Moreover, I admire the enthusiasm and skill of Highbrowscribes Publications, New Delhi, who have designed my collected short stories in such a way as to make it possible for my valued audience to get the best book at the lowest possible price. I built up this collection over a period of ten years. The Book is expected to make a place on the best-seller list as it has soon started to gain in popularity.
The book (a must-read collection for amazing short stories) is available on amazon . Place an order for a copy right now and spend your leisure time reading a wonderful book. The publisher has reduced the price and; Amazon, the delivery charges.
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