Snippets from the Age of COVID-19: June 7, 2020.
Yesterday, the weather report for the Airdrie area called for rain the entire day. Fortunately, the unreliability of weather forecasts brought sunshine for most of the day. It was a good day to take a walk in Airdrie's interconnected park system.
Spring has arrived very late here in Alberta and one can still see budding trees and flowers at the beginning of June. I've never ever seen this phenomenon. I hope that we are in for a long and protracted summer to make up for this.
After hearing about all the conflict in the United States about race relations, going out and enjoying the nature around us was the best thing to do. It's funny, but the fresh air blowing gently against one's skin and seeing the striking colors of flowers blooming truly lifts up one's spirit. It is indeed great to liberate oneself from the cares of the world at least once a week and focus on recharging one's batteries. Then, armed with this refreshment, one can tackle the problems surrounding you, one at a time.