Snippets fro the Age of COVID-19: May 29, 2020.
The news of a physician from New Brunswick who visited Quebec and then came back without being forthcoming on his trip or self-isolating after his trip is shocking. He is a doctor who is supposed to know better. What's even more shocking is that he saw patients for a two week period!
This is an incident that points to the arrogance and self-importance that the small minority of the medical profession heaps upon themselves. They feel that they are the demigods of society and can do no wrong. These bad apples consider themselves to be above the rules and regulations that govern the rest of the populace. They think of themselves to be infallible.
This physician and I use the term loosely, has violated his Hippocratic Oath. He has done much harm and his judgment and profession as a doctor should be questioned. His cavalier attitude towards his fellow men should be punished by a focused review of his status as a member of his medical association as well as being charged under the fullest extent of the law.
This man is not a humanitarian. He is a sneak and a deceiver. He is a propagator if COVID-19 and should become a pariah of the medical profession. May justice be done!