Sneak peek at next months training calendar

Sneak peek at next months training calendar

August is chock a block full of traffic management training options,?from reaccreditation to AWTM training, plus everything in between!

So, here is your sneak peek at next months training calendar, delivered right to your mailbox?giving you the current options hot off the press;

North Lake - Perth?

  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) 2 days;?14 August
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management & Traffic Control (BWTM & TC) 3 days; 14 August [5 places available]
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management & Traffic Control (BWTM & TC) Reaccreditation; 17 August [4 places available]?
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management & Traffic Control (BWTM & TC) 3 days; 21 August
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) 2 days; 21 August


  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management & Traffic Control (BWTM & TC) Reaccreditation;?1 August [3 places available]?
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) 2 days; 2 August
  • Basic Worksite Traffic Management & Traffic Control (BWTM & TC) 3 days; 2 August [4 places available]?
  • Worksite Traffic Management (WTM) 4 days; 5 September
  • Advanced Worksite Traffic Management (AWTM) 4 days; 5 September


PS - Did you know we can help you with your next Traffic Management Plan (TMP) Project? We can prepare small to complex Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) and aim to provide solutions that minimise complications and maximise your productivity and efficiency but that never compromise on safety or quality.

Complete our [TMP Request Form] and we will happily prepare a formal quote for you.


Tegan Studsor


AusQ Training - RTO # 52361


AusQ Training - RTO 52361的更多文章

