Obsessed is the word for our relationship with value conscious consumers.
We've known them for decades through the clients we've represented. So it's time to make it known - our obsession, that is.
METATASKER? is a study of how people live at the corner of "I want" & "I should" every minute of the day. It's about how they evolve their shopping behaviors, pre- and post-pandemic. And how they deploy the tools at their fingertips.
Mostly it's about how they define value for themselves. How that definition changes from product to product, and from moment to moment. Price? yes. Convenience? yes. Quality? yes. Personal budget? yes. They all matter at varying degrees, product to product, moment to moment.
We're launching METATASKER? to help brands uncover how they fit into the shoppers' metasense. It will deliver innovative ways to engage shoppers, drive growth, boost revenue and establish unparalleled relationships.
And to fuel our obsession.
We're excited about our upcoming release, where we unveil the groundbreaking tool designed to make the METATASKER ? work for your business.?
Let's talk METATASKER?.?