*** Sneak Peek***
Melisa Ruscsak
CEO, Publisher ,Author, podcast host, International Keynote Speaker, Mindset & Business Coach
**** Sneak Peek*** "Obsidian Chronicles : Secrets of the Sword"
Blood is spilled everyday. Most true fey that the lives lost are for a better future. Others simply can not escape the grief. Still they are helpless to stop the loss of life that surrounds them.
They seek an avenger for their losses. They seek a king that will defend them. They seek more then any will ever know as they huddle within their homes. As they struggle to feed the children that they must breed if they wish to keep their bloodlines alive.
Still for many time is running out. The light of Obsidian growing dimmer every day. More of the fey that live here are being slaughtered for their powers. For their abilities like nothing more then cattle for the king.
To rise up would be best. To fight for their homes.. for their lives… sounds so simple. But for as long as the legendary sword of the silent ones is grasped in the hand of the current king nothing will ever change.
No, not even fleeing into the great void is an option now. For it too is just another means to die at the hands of those who will no doubtingly steel the powers and gifts that are left with the cold flesh.