Snatched Away!
Ironically, an app put out this picture today (10/21/24) titled, "SNATCHED" which means Harpazo or Rapture. Except it won't be a spaceship that snatches us away, but Jesus Christ and his angels.
Genesis 6:10 "And after seven days the floodwaters came on the earth." ?So God had Noah and his family enter the ark 7 days before the floodwaters erupted (the deep / depths of the earth opened) and rain started.
The Jewish calendar has 30 days a month, based on the 15 day waxing and waning LUNAR (Moon) cycle. That is 30 days x 12 months = 360 days total.
The 7 year tribulation therefore will be 360 x 7 years = 2520 days AND midpoint 3.5 years will be 1260 days.
It is estimated that Jesus died in 31 AD. plus 2000 years is 2031 AD. Going back 7 years points toward the Tribulation starting period as 2025.
I request that Let us pray for each other that we be considered worthy to go in the rapture with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Jesus says in the Bible "A faithful servant stays watchful for his Master's return." Let us all stay watchful and vigilant, alert, for our Master's return.
No one knows the Day or the Hour, but let us hope that the church (the Bride of Christ) will be raptured very soon.
Please pray that many will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and his salvation in the next 70 days.
Examples of Pre-Tribulation Rapture in the Bible: (Done with a sense of urgency)
Noah in the Ark with his family
Lot and his family being saved?
Rahab and her family being saved (Before Jericho fell)
Enoch taken and was no more, because he walked with God
Elijah taken up to heaven in a whirlwind Chariot of fire
Jonah waited outside Nineveh to see its destruction, but God spared the entire city because they repented. (Not exactly a rapture, but God sent Jonah the prophet to warn them)
I wrote these articles and wanted to share them with you. Please share these links with others so every soul can be saved. Thank you.
1) Is the Rapture Imminent?
2) Events leading up to the Rapture
3) The Red Heifer Sacrifice Begins The Third Temple in Jerusalem
4)?The Two Witnesses
5) The Coming of the Antichrist
6) Planetary Signs Pointing to the Impending Rapture?
7)?When They Clamor for Peace and Security
8)?The Days of Tribulation! How you can escape!
Please pray that people who don't know about Christianity will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I have written these articles on the End Times, based on the Book of Revelation by John. Please share this with those who may not be aware of the last days. Thank you. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Amen!?
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