A Snapshot of Learning

A Snapshot of Learning

Learning, simply stated, is the acquisition, and hopefully, the understanding of knowledge and application of skills. Yet the meaning varies depending on the cultural context. A secondary school education as known in Europe may not be a priority in the Amazonian forest, Australian outback or the vast continent of Africa where knowledge of the landscape, animal tracks, the ability to hunt and fish are crucial skills to ensure survival. Moreover, learning can also refer to the basic aspects of life such as parenting, making a marriage work, or dealing with inner struggles.

In situations, where learning is for self evolvement or pleasure, the process is an enjoyable journey. Learning to paint, taking up the guitar, or acquiring a new language as a summer residence has been purchased are all associated with a happy and open mind towards self development. Where learning is a necessity or a requirement, it is often a harder, more complex process. 

Is it necessary to learn? 

Yes, it is necessary to possess a baseline of knowledge and skills.The actual subject matter often creates a debate as to how to equip a modern child. In a more traditional setting, it includes subject areas such as Math, Languages, Sciences, Technology, Art and Design, and Humanities. In an alternative educational environment, it could be more practical knowledge & skills such as carpentry, housekeeping, forestry, basic mechanics etc. And then, there are the fundamental soft skills which are crucial to navigate life. Each avenue provides an opportunity. 

It is also important to exercise the brain, for like our other muscles, it needs to be used to keep it healthy and functioning effectively 

Ultimately, learning provides the stepping stones to allow choice and a sense of freedom and it can help to follow through on dreams and aspirations. 

How do we learn?

Learning styles vary tremendously and there is no best approach, for it depends on the individual. Common strategies used include:

Note taking in the form of short bullet points, key words and phrases to capture the most salient parts of a text, theory etc. Such notes allow for the information to be re-read and processed later to help achieve a deeper level of understanding.

Flash cards and post-it notes with the most significant points can aid the memorization of vital material.

Podcasts, recordings, lectures, and video presentations that can be replayed and reviewed until the matter is truly processed and understood can help aural and visual learners.

Practice questions that allow for grappling with material, deconstructing it, asking further questions, and providing a response can assist active learners. It can also be in the form of repetitive practice exercises to help drill a skill or method.

Peer learning by working in a small group, sharing ideas, researching, and discussing findings or one on one teaching are also very effective means of learning.

These strategies can help an individual but it may not take away from the issue that learning can be difficult, so how can it be made more accessible?

Learning a math concept, a new language, a complex scientific equation, or new app can be taxing. What is easily absorbed by one person can take a long time to be mastered by another.

It may be down to being a left brain thinker. who tends to be logical and methodical and more Math and Science minded, or a right brained thinker where language or artistic creations are far easier as they tend to be more on the visionary and impulsive spectrum. However, there are also quite balanced thinkers in that they are not specifically left or right brain dominant, thus this theory does not always apply. The poignant point is how can overcome the issues and much of the answer to this lies with the educator.

Differentiation helps a student. When the teacher finds a different approach to deliver material or an alternative method in which a learner can share their knowledge, then learning is made more accessible.

The materials presented or used need to be level appropriate, visually appealing, and user friendly. This helps the student attempt to tackle the hurdles and try to learn the information or skill. Directions or instructions need to be clearly laid out in a step by step manner and a personal check in with the student also helps the learning process and keeps negativity at bay. The ‘helping hand’ can never be underestimated. It may not make things easier, but it helps the mindset be more receptive.

The learner also has to take responsibility. It is vital to try to stack the odds in one’s favour by coming prepared to a class with the homework covered as best as possible, the materials needed. 

It is also important to ask questions. Many students do not want to reveal that they do not understand especially when in front of others, so it is advisable that the teacher finds a discreet way to check in with a student or for the student to ask questions at an appropriate time to avoid losing face while at the same time understanding the material in a pertinent timeframe.

Learning is definitely a partnership between the student and educator but also the student with him/herself.

Do our personal methods of learning change over time?

Yes, aspects of our methods of learning do alter somewhat over time. As age creeps in, it is often harder to recall all the information. Often more note taking is needed and handouts help secure long term understanding.

Also, the ‘new knowledge or skills’ need to be put into practice relatively soon after the presentation or training, so the details can be recalled and the understanding solidified. The recall of information is not always as reliable if left a long time after the course etc.

How do we measure what we have learnt and is the purpose of the assessment?

These are two questions that are closely related and need to be considered as a pair.

Measuring learning is a contentious issue! Is it a grade that reflects one’s learning, is it an exam that proves it, or is it the application of the learning on a daily basis? There is no right answer as such, but there are some better and more effective ways over others which demonstrate the acquisition of learning.

Testing students by means of a final exam has been used for years as an indicator of the knowledge learnt. However, a test can only cover so many aspects of a program or course, so it can not define a student’s total knowledge. 

A student can suffer from exam stress and have a poor test taking technique and so is not able to reproduce in time pressured conditions all that s/he has learnt. The results on the paper tend not to be a fair assessment.

It can also be argued that if there is no testing, it is difficult to know the standard achieved. It seems then that no concrete affirmation is delivered. 

On the other hand, it can be said that continuous assessment over a period of time, can provide a much truer assessment of a student’s course of learning. 

There are also skills and traits which can not be ‘tested’, for they can only be seen or demonstrated over time. 

When considering the bigger picture, learning is not a series of test results or ticking check boxes, it is more fundamental; it is a journey of personal evoluation. This brings the dialogue full circle, as ultimately, we are always learning whether we realise or not. Learning is a lifelong activity!


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