Snapchat refused patent for Spectacles
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The Patent Trademark Office (PTO) has refused Snapchat’s application for Trademark protection of the term Spectacles.
In her refusal letter, the PTO Examiner noted that the Snapchat application describes hardware and peripherals that are optical instruments, including lenses and a frame. Her examination determined that the term “spectacles” is used to describe many other optical products, including an existing device advertised as a “spectacle with a camera”. Thus the applied-for mark was determined to be merely a descriptive term and is not eligible for registration under Section 2(e)(1) of the Trademark Act.
Snapchat sought to prove foreign registration, but their application is currently suspended due to a failure to provide timely evidence. They may try to narrow their application for specific use, but will not be able to claim and trademark ownership for the word “spectacles.”