SNAPCHAT Your Brand With Millennials.
What started as an app for teens to hide temporary videos or "SNAPs" has evolved to one of the greatest marketing tools for business with more generations joining the platform. So how do you turn a 10-second clip into a revenue stream?
We all know social media is flooded with these "get rich quick" schemes and multi- level marketing solicitors, but what many entrepreneurs are missing is the branding opportunity through Snapchat (symbol SNAP), a recent IPO said to be overvalued is one of the most under utilized platforms from a business angle to get immediate exposure.
Here we 3 reasons and methods you should be SNAPPING your business to new levels.
1) It's a temporary video, this is a HUGE PLUS. Traditional or old school advertising of print or permanent material is outdated, boring and extinct in regard to acquiring more clients. Today's branding growth is all about more followers. By using Snap, temporary distribution of your short seconds of fame, you need to keep creating additional content to remain relevant. Because users know it's a temporary casting, once you trigger an interest and obtain a follower, it's likely they return to see "what's next". This also motivates and engages your marketing skills to keep up and stay engaged. Once you create that "what's next" following you can launch timely, strategic and effective campaigns leading your viewers to your goal at hand. Who in sales wouldn't want your prospects to keep coming back to learn more about you and your business?
2) Filters are your best friend. I know you're probably thinking, how many more flower crown pics can you look at? My favorite is the "frowny face." Unlike the face recognition filters users apply to make their snaps more entertaining,
SNAP offers users to purchase and brand custom geofilters displaying any message you like within a desired radius and time based on your selections.
This is genius, we know Facebook (symbol FACE) is the giant of social media, but more users started flocking to SNAP and for this reason FB immediately started copying their strategy.
If copying someone is the greatest form of flattery, then kudos to you SNAP, your influence has caught the attention of the most used and wealthiest platform in the cloud. Nothing is wrong with being second to Facebook.
3) The media exposure about SNAP is very HOT right now! It's still new to many and unlike more "established" social media outlets, the team at SNAP is adding new users at a Rapid vs Exponential pace. Nothing beats Rapid growth, and it's a temporary run. For this reason, timing is everything. With SNAPs recent IPO it's being watched at closely and blasted daily on multiple media outlets. Marketing experts are using this exposure as a key strategy.
Just like FB was overvalued when released, today it's a daily battle over share price with LinkedIn similar to how Google is with Amazon, SNAP too will be up there with them. If you believe history tends to repeat itself, take Instagram as the perfect example. Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg paid just over 1 Billion for Instagram a short while ago, today it's estimated value exceeds 30 Billion.
SNAP that for starters.
Sina Azari is a Managing Partner with PRESENT Financial Partners; a licensed brokerage with access to offering plans from over 120 Insurance companies and carriers providing the most suitable, TOP RATED and competitive products accommodating our clients' specific needs. Should you like to learn more or be interested in joining PRESENT, please visit our career site here.