Snap! Ouch!
Sean Thorncroft
Life changer. | Simplifying Healthy Living | Helping you to live life on your terms.
This article is going to be more personal experience than medical advice, so please do NOT accept this as medical advice.
I recently became my own patient through some ill timed lack of focus and a serious misstep when coming down a flight of stairs. For anyone who knows me, I am always in a hurry and don't like walking slowly. The same goes when I traverse stairs, I don't take them one at a time, going up or down! What saved me, was that when I go downstairs, I do always loosely grip the handrail. While moving rapidly down the stairs a few days ago, my left foot landed wrong and I proceeded to fold over on my ankle. For anyone who has done this before, you know it is not a fun feeling!
After the initial shock and realigning my ankle, I realized I could still weight bear to a certain extent and limped down a hill towards my office. I have often rolled my ankle while out running, but this was the first time I damaged ligaments and suffered a true sprain.
Despite me being in the medical field, I am not a fan of medication. I have therefore opted to handle my injury (please note, this is a personal decision and not advisable to anyone else) without pharmaceuticals.
I have read a few articles in the past with regards to optimal treatment of an ankle sprain. Traditional treatment is RICE therapy. This is Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. I did 3 of these actions fairly quickly, but then opted to keep walking while I could. A few hours later, I figured the rest suggestion was good as after the initial shock wore off, the pain increased.
I opted for an ankle brace that limited my movements, but didn't immobilize it completely. This allowed me to still drive home.
After control X-rays to rule out any fractures, it is now 4 days later and there is much improvement. If not medication, what did I use instead?
For pain control, I opted to use a food sourced glucosamine supplement that includes 2 food sourced ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, 1 food sourced ingredient with pain killing properties, a couple of bone strengthening minerals as well as gluscosamine to assist with cartilage regrowth.
For inflammation and swelling, I opted for an Omega-3, fish oil supplement a few times daily.
For general healing I included a carotenoid rich complex supplement, Vitamin C, Chelated zinc, Chelated magnesium (plant sourced) and Chelated Calcium in combination with magnesium and Vitamin D. I also added extra Vitamin D. I have also had a couple of protein rich shakes as well.
I wore my ankle brace when walking for the first 3 days and rested and elevated my foot when I could. The swelling has come down quite a bit and the bruising is now starting to show through the skin. After 4 days, I am able to walk at almost my usual pace again, take stairs (but only one at a time) and drive. I am unfortunately not able to run as yet.
In my opinion, being relatively fit and agile already, I feel helped tremendously to reduce the severity of my injury as well as my fast healing. I know that I am still a fair way off complete restoration and will start physiotherapy soon to improve my tone again.
Please note, this has been my personal choice for treatment and I would NOT recommend it to anyone, especially my patients! I have chosen this route as I want to see for myself what the benefits of nutrition therapy are for ligament and joint injury.
For anyone interested in knowing more about the products and dosages I have used, you are welcome to message me.