A Snap Assessment of Harari's Latest Book-21 Lessons for 21st Century

A Snap Assessment of Harari's Latest Book-21 Lessons for 21st Century

Here’s my take on Harari’s newest book:

Having already read Sapiens and Homo Deus I was not that enthusiastic to read 21 Lessons. I just assumed that no original idea would be left for a third book from the same writer on the same subject. I was right to some extent. However, it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable readings I did.

He definitely improved his style in this book; more eloquent and ironic. Almost all sentences are like aphorisms with brilliant sense of humor.

An honest, balanced, courageous, and provocative account of the present. A colorful intellectual tour d’ horizon of major issues of 21st Century.

Chapters on religion, secularism, god, justice, and ignorance stand out as a new base to start thinking a new political science that can handle complex challenges of the present and the future.

This book is a codifier. Codifying what is scientifically available at the time, just like Marx’ Capital in the 19th century. Personally I learned little new in this book. Yet no one else dared and succeeded in bringing together all crucial and controversial issues we face in such a succinct and poetic way.

Finishing with a personal touch he opens a door to meditation as one way of accessing to the reality after demystifying stories.


