Snakes in Suits and the Shock Doctrine
Books worth reading:
The World is Flat
Guns Germs and Steel
Snakes in Suits
The Mountain of Fame
The History of the Ancient World
The Art of War
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The Four Agreements
All good books; but the thing that strikes me that all those divergent tomes have in common is the way those who are knowledgable about psychology can play on defense mechanisms that our mind and body have that have developed over millions of years. When someone is trying to trigger your fear reflect, that is the moment you should use reason and reason alone. And I dont mean fake reason, I mean sit down nd questions all the assumptions you have made about a situation. If you think that you are the smartest person in the room, you had better have some pretty extraordinary evidence that you are; in fact; the smartest person in the room. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If someone is telling you something that doesnt pass even the most basic common sense test but they are trying to tell you that the world will end if you dont hand them the keys to the kingdom; you should immediately be highly cautious.