Snake Game In Python
from turtle import Turtle, Screen
import random
import time
SIZE = 20
class Square:
? ? def __init__(self, x, y):
? ? ? ? self.x = x
? ? ? ? self.y = y
? ? def drawself(self, turtle):
? ? ? ? """ draw a black box at its coordinates, leaving a small gap between cubes """
? ? ? ? turtle.goto(self.x - SIZE // 2 - 1, self.y - SIZE // 2 - 1)
? ? ? ? turtle.begin_fill()
? ? ? ? for _ in range(4):
? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.forward(SIZE - SIZE // 10)
? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.left(90)
? ? ? ? turtle.end_fill()
class Food:
? ? def __init__(self, x, y):
? ? ? ? self.x = x
? ? ? ? self.y = y
? ? ? ? self.is_blinking = True
? ? def changelocation(self):
? ? ? ? # I haven't programmed it to spawn outside the snake's body yet
? ? ? ? self.x = random.randint(0, SIZE) * SIZE - 200
? ? ? ? self.y = random.randint(0, SIZE) * SIZE - 200
? ? def drawself(self, turtle):
? ? ? ? # similar to the Square drawself, but blinks on and off
? ? ? ? if self.is_blinking:
? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.goto(self.x - SIZE // 2 - 1, self.y - SIZE // 2 - 1)
? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.begin_fill()
? ? ? ? ? ? for _ in range(4):
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.forward(SIZE - SIZE // 10)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.left(90)
? ? ? ? ? ? turtle.end_fill()
? ? def changestate(self):
? ? ? ? # controls the blinking
? ? ? ? self.is_blinking = not self.is_blinking
class Snake:
? ? def __init__(self):
? ? ? ? self.headposition = [SIZE, 0] ?# keeps track of where it needs to go next
? ? ? ? self.body = [Square(-SIZE, 0), Square(0, 0), Square(SIZE, 0)] ?# body is a list of squares
? ? ? ? self.nextX = 1 ?# tells the snake which way it's going next
? ? ? ? self.nextY = 0
? ? ? ? self.crashed = False ?# I'll use this when I get around to collision detection
? ? ? ? self.nextposition = [self.headposition[0] + SIZE * self.nextX, self.headposition[1] + SIZE * self.nextY]
? ? ? ? # prepares the next location to add to the snake
? ? def moveOneStep(self):
? ? ? ? if Square(self.nextposition[0], self.nextposition[1]) not in self.body:
? ? ? ? ? ? # attempt (unsuccessful) at collision detection
? ? ? ? ? ? self.body.append(Square(self.nextposition[0], self.nextposition[1]))
? ? ? ? ? ? # moves the snake head to the next spot, deleting the tail
? ? ? ? ? ? del self.body[0]
? ? ? ? ? ? self.headposition[0], self.headposition[1] = self.body[-1].x, self.body[-1].y
? ? ? ? ? ? # resets the head and nextposition
? ? ? ? ? ? self.nextposition = [self.headposition[0] + SIZE * self.nextX, self.headposition[1] + SIZE * self.nextY]
? ? ? ? else:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.crashed = True ?# more unsuccessful collision detection
? ? def moveup(self): ?# pretty obvious what these do
? ? ? ? self.nextX, self.nextY = 0, 1
? ? def moveleft(self):
? ? ? ? self.nextX, self.nextY = -1, 0
? ? def moveright(self):
? ? ? ? self.nextX, self.nextY = 1, 0
? ? def movedown(self):
? ? ? ? self.nextX, self.nextY = 0, -1
? ? def eatFood(self):
? ? ? ? # adds the next spot without deleting the tail, extending the snake by 1
? ? ? ? self.body.append(Square(self.nextposition[0], self.nextposition[1]))
? ? ? ? self.headposition[0], self.headposition[1] = self.body[-1].x, self.body[-1].y
? ? ? ? self.nextposition = [self.headposition[0] + SIZE * self.nextX, self.headposition[1] + SIZE * self.nextY]
? ? def drawself(self, turtle): ?# draws the whole snake when called
? ? ? ? for segment in self.body:
? ? ? ? ? ? segment.drawself(turtle)
class Game:
? ? def __init__(self):
? ? ? ? # game object has a screen, a turtle, a basic snake and a food
? ? ? ? self.screen = Screen()
? ? ? ? self.artist = Turtle(visible=False)
? ? ? ? self.artist.up()
? ? ? ? self.artist.speed("slowest")
? ? ? ? self.snake = Snake()
? ? ? ? = Food(100, 0)
? ? ? ? self.counter = 0 ?# this will be used later
? ? ? ? self.commandpending = False ?# as will this
? ? ? ? self.screen.tracer(0) ?# follow it so far?
? ? ? ? self.screen.listen()
? ? ? ? self.screen.onkey(self.snakedown, "Down")
? ? ? ? self.screen.onkey(self.snakeup, "Up")
? ? ? ? self.screen.onkey(self.snakeleft, "Left")
? ? ? ? self.screen.onkey(self.snakeright, "Right")
? ? def nextFrame(self):
? ? ? ? self.artist.clear()
? ? ? ? if (self.snake.nextposition[0], self.snake.nextposition[1]) == (,
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.eatFood()
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? else:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.moveOneStep()
? ? ? ? if self.counter == 10:
? ? ? ? ? ? ?# makes the food flash slowly
? ? ? ? ? ? self.counter = 0
? ? ? ? else:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.counter += 1
? ? ? ? ?# show the food and snake
? ? ? ? self.snake.drawself(self.artist)
? ? ? ? self.screen.update()
? ? ? ? self.screen.ontimer(lambda: self.nextFrame(), 100)
? ? def snakeup(self):
? ? ? ? if not self.commandpending:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = True
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.moveup()
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = False
? ? def snakedown(self):
? ? ? ? if not self.commandpending:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = True
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.movedown()
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = False
? ? def snakeleft(self):
? ? ? ? if not self.commandpending:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = True
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.moveleft()
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = False
? ? def snakeright(self):
? ? ? ? if not self.commandpending:
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = True
? ? ? ? ? ? self.snake.moveright()
? ? ? ? ? ? self.commandpending = False
game = Game()
screen = Screen()
screen.ontimer(lambda: game.nextFrame(), 100)