Snake Diet Basics: How To Survive For 48 Hours On Only Snake Juice
Photo credit: Abraham Lincoln

Snake Diet Basics: How To Survive For 48 Hours On Only Snake Juice

Welcome to the first episode of Snake Diet Basics! If you're a newbie to the Snake Diet, then you probably have a lot of questions:

  • What is this Snake Juice stuff?
  • How much do you need to drink?
  • Can I drink coffee while fasting?
  • Shoud I fast for a week or just start with 48 hours?
  • What's the difference between intermittent fasting and the Snake Diet?
  • Isn't this going to mess up my metabolism?
  • Is the Snake Diet for lean people too?
  • Are you read for the no food challenge?

I've been fasting since 2002 when I read a book called the Warrior Diet. This book changed my life profoundly for one reason: the author said that you can eat one meal a day and be fine. He drew parallels from the Roman army, how they would march 40 kilometers per day and eat only when they made camp at night. They were wiry and tough, like humans were meant to be.

Fast forward a few thousand years and now we have Cole Robinson, the brains behind the Snake Diet. His no-nonsense attitude has give people the confidence they need to start fighting their food addictions and do the unthinkable: not eat for days or weeks at a time.

As Cole would put it, "Stop FKing eating FATTY!"

But where does this leave you, the brand new Snake Dieter? Do you really think you can survive on no food for 3 days?

I made this video because I wanted to help some of the newer people out there who may not know what they're doing when it comes to prolonged fasting. You can lose weight in a million different ways - but at the end of the day there's nothing more effective for burning fat than just not eating anything.

The tips in this video are designed to make your first fast go as smoothly as possible. I hope it helps you. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below!


The Warrior Diet:

Fun Hostel Phuket:

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