The Snack BOxD: February Digest - How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition
The Snack BOxD: February Digest - How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition

The Snack BOxD: February Digest - How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition

This is the?Snack BOxD, a highly digestible digest from me, Nenuca, CEO at?Better Organizations by Design (BOxD). Every month I send a round-up of ideas and?insights on how to create healthy, high performing organizations. If you like this kind of thing or found me by accident, get your snack on and?subscribe here.

On the menu this month:?How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition

How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition
How to lead at scale to get a leg up on your competition

Anyone who has worked in a rapidly growing company knows this story all too well…

You go from 50 people to 1200 people in >3 years. Maybe you don’t even hire your first HR role until you hit 300. You’ve got all the challenges of growth: process documentation, culture development across different labor markets, adopting the right tech tools to collaborate. Then 2020 hit and “remote work” graduated from niche workplace perk to global corporate norm.?

Meanwhile, your career is taking off. Things are happening! Your organization has grown enough that you no longer know everyone’s name in your division anymore.??

In your previous manager roles, you learned a lot about how to develop individual contributors and think about the bigger picture. But now that you’re a leader of teams, you can’t personally oversee individual performance like you could in your previous people manager role.??

What’s more, your line of sight needs to transcend your Top 3 to-do list and extend 5-10 years into the future. You need to establish a diverse pipeline of top talent, set and nurture organizational culture, and ensure conditions are right for your people to innovate and perform at their peak.?

In other words, you know that the skills and experience that got you to Point B won’t get you to Point C.??

But how do you actually level up? How do you become an effective leader at scale???

This is without a doubt THE most common question I hear in my meetings with clients. For that reason, I am so excited to share a new BOxD resource for leaders like you who are looking to grow their impact.

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Introducing our new guide called?How to Become A Leader of Leaders, a downloadable resource that includes?5 practical tools?for leaders looking to take their leadership to the next level.?

How to become a leader of leaders
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This is your friendly reminder to reflect on?power sharing?as a part of your DEI strategy!?

Remember, power is not a dirty word. Power is, for better or worse, the potential we have to influence other people.?

Whether you are moving into a new role, driving big changes, transitioning into a new organization, or would like to simply be more effective at work, you need to assess and navigate the power landscape in order to truly be effective.

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We designed a comprehensive toolkit full of practical tips and exercises to help leaders like you learn to effectively navigate their relationships to get more done. Start at the beginning of the guide and work your way through each exercise in order to build up your power awareness and develop your own unique power strategy.

Power & Influence Mapping Guide

And if you’re looking for a primer on organizational power dynamics, check out my 4-minute video for a quick start.

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ITONICS - The Innovation OS is a software company specializing in innovation. Their platform is adopted by some of the most admired brands and organizations worldwide as the operating system for strategy, innovation, and growth. As the company grew, ITONICS’ CEO, Christian Mühlroth, wanted to help the leadership team reach the next level.?

“We needed someone to train our leaders. To give them a toolbox and a lot of actionable, pragmatic, and effective tools they could then deploy.”?

Having gone from a start-up to a grown-up company, ITONICS was putting a lot of emphasis on creating products and getting them to market. But Christian could see the leaders needed to adapt to the rapidly growing and changing organization.?

ITONICS had no framework. Leaders were doing things their own way and there was a lack of cohesion. Everyone was focused on getting the work done, but Christian knew

“leading other people was the more critical thing for growth.”?

Read more about how BOxD helped the newly formed leadership team at ITONICS develop the skills and infrastructure so that the company could grow faster than ever, with purpose and direction.

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Thanks for subscribing to BOxD’s monthly “snack-letter.” Help us build better organizations by sharing this email with a leader who could use a healthy snack.

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