SMPTE ST 2110 Test & Measure: connecting the dots....
This last week I had several conversations on 2110 Test & Measure solutions with manufacturers and production companies. To my astonishment they had little knowledge of the following 3 major events that took place during the past couple of weeks.
- On April 16th Intel announced the acquisition of Omnitek one to the leading manufacturers of Test & Measure devices. More information can be found here.
- On April 25th Telestream announced the 'merge' with Tektronix Video, another leading manufacturer of Test & Measure devices. More information can be found here.
- During NAB2019 Phabrix, yet another leader of video Test & Measure equipment won the Product of the Year award for its Qx IP v3.0 rasterizer AND successfully passes the JT-NM SMPTE ST 2110 interoperability testing. More information can be found here.
Testing & Measuring according to the SMPTE ST2110 standards and all that links to it is not an easy undertaking and it takes relentless development effort, testing and listening to customer feed back to deliver a world class reliable solution.
When you start connecting the dots there should be one device heading the top of your very short shortlist: The Phabrix Qx rasterizer. Find it here. In The Netherlands go to Netchange for the latest information and demo options or send me a message.