“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”
~ Sigmund Freud
Smokescreen - Deep Blue , Dark Purple , Raging Red by Lakshmi Mohanbabu
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, signed by the artist
Edition: Original
Year: 2018
Size: 91.0cm x 61.0cm x 3.5cm
Series: Smokescreen
Arty-Fact: “There exists a contradiction between who we are and what we reveal, ‘expressed emotions’ and ‘suppressed emotions’. Our innermost feelings are kept in check and masked. We either reflect responses that are expected from the world or we cultivate emotions to elicit the right responses from people around us.
“This series depicts the inner hidden spectrum of colourful emotions screaming and desperate to be revealed, yet hidden by that smokescreen.” ~ Lakshmi Mohanbabu