Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detectors save lives all night, when you and your family are asleep, fires are at their most dangerous. Toxic smoke, given off when substances such as plastics burn, does not wake you up; it makes sleepers unconscious. Smoke detectors therefore save lives. The smoke detector is a quality product designed for private households. It detects the smoke generated by smouldering fires and gives an alarm. A loud pulsating tone wakes you up and can therefore save your life and the lives of your family.
Choice of location the smoke detector must be fixed to the ceiling as near to the centre of the room as possible. One detector can monitor a room with a maximum floor area of 60 m2 and ceiling heights of put to 6 m. In hallways and narrow corridors (up to 3 m wide) the detector monitors distances up to 7, 5 m in each direction. A gap of at least 0, 5 m must be maintained from walls and fixtures. You should therefore install:
? As an absolute necessity one smoke detector in the hallway (to monitor the escape route) between living and sleeping areas
? For optimum protection one detector in every living room and every bedroom
? In multi storey buildings at least one detector on each landing
? In converted lofts one detector above the staircase
Safety instructions-
? The smoke detector must not be painted.
? The loud alarm signal can damage hearing.
? A warning light or a vibrating pillow must be installed for people with hearing defects. These can be activated from the relay in the type Relay/Networking detector.
? In the Type Relay/Networking detector the "network" terminal (green) must not be confused with the "relay" terminal (orange). ? Smoke detectors do not extinguish fires. If an alarm occurs, the source of the fire must be located and, if necessary, the fire brigade alerted.
? The smoke detector only works when the battery is in good working order and correctly installed; the detector must not be operated with rechargeable batteries.
? The smoke detector responds to the smoke from a fire, not to the flame itself.
? The smoke detector only monitors a defined area and will not necessarily detect a fire in another room or on lather floor. Therefore install a sufficient number of smoke detectors in order to ensure optimum protection.
? The smoke detector should be audible in the entire living area. If necessary, install additional sounders, e.g. a klaxon.
? It is possible that people under the influence of alcohol or drugs may not be woken up by the alarm