Smile and Silence
Dr. Rupendra M. Anklekar
Chief Scientist & Technical Advisor at Zhejiang Light-Tough Composite Materials Co. Ltd.
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
- Mother Teresa
The genuine goal in life is to smile at each and every moment,
Right in the face of tears, challenges, hardships and hostilities;
A candid smile is such a soothing balm bringing instant solace,
Putting an end to all heavy burden of the day in a single stroke,
An open hearty smile lightens the mind and alleviates suffering,
Imparts pleasure to the person that gives and one who receives,
Anytime smile is the best remedy giving comfort in human life.
Another secret of true joy in life is to observe immaculate silence,
Absorbed deeply, reflecting on the Self, searching for inner peace;
The serene tranquility of the mind is the crowning glory of perfection,
The ever silent Soul was not created for the chattering world of sounds,
But to enjoy vast inner happiness in the depths of stillness of the Soul,
Silence fosters love, peace and harmony by avoiding adversities in life,
To be one with the God, Nature and Self, drinking the bliss of solitude.
By Rupendra M. Anklekar
Composed on February 10, 2013 in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA