Smile ?
Manas Ranjan S.
Experienced IT/Software Admin/Manager at Webtirety Software | 12 Years in Web/App Development, Graphic/Web Design, Technical SEO, Linux Server & Cloud Management.
Smile! A lot of people always in search of a cause to smile knowingly or unknowingly, it seems to smile is always dependant on something that triggers the smile.
Ok many of us, almost all probably have forgotten to smile, everybody wants to smile & happy, it doesn’t matter whether the person is contented or discontent, rich or poor. So what’s makes us happy? It’s a big question to ask ourselves, & I’m sure that everybody who asks this question to oneself will get the answer by themselves, our inner soul always answers back, we just have to listen to it carefully, it’s very simple yet too difficult to get it.
You may notice that many little things make us happy & erupt the smile spontaneously, but we always looking for something special to happen.
A smile is the greatest emotion on every occasion, So Smile Please…?! Today I goes through something, that I want to share with you, it’s a very small thing yet enough effective & learnable. Inadvertently I notice some peoples that if you give them something, they will smile, generally after receiving something peoples are happy & smiles out, but some other peoples are happier by giving something to the needy ones, & peoples become happier by sharing something with one another, but a person who himself is a needy one shares what he gets from some other noble peoples with another hungry & needy person & that without any hesitation, is a very touchy & great moment.
Hope you Share the smile & be a cause for others to Smile. ? ? ?