John Alabi
I'm Your Emotional Intelligence & Practical Wisdom Coach {EIPWC} - Teaching You How to Live Life Skillfully, Circumstances Regardless.
Yes! Smile! It’s remarkable, smile and laugh big time. Smile! Make it broader…smile against the wishes of the enemies. Not minding the side of the bed where you woke up today; regardless of the challenges and problems ahead of you. And notwithstanding how your day went. Smile, and wear a smiling face, please! The experience today is just a process, not the best of You! The last chapter is the beginning of the 2nd edition of same book. So, smile, wear a radiant look today and every day. It’s inviting, commanding and compelling. Ultimately, it generates a proportionate and equivalent floodgate of grace and favour into you and all yours. Whether you went to sleep as a blunder or as poor you is irrelevant as long as your life and your day are cooked, programmed, soaked, immersed, baptized and planted on the premise and platform of Wisdom Today! Be inspired. Be motivated and be encouraged!