SMDD : Social Media Dependency Disorder - Bertrand Scope ( Brazil )
Jonathan Bertrand
Founder/Owner @ Social Media Research Institute | Social Media Studies - Verifying The Verified - Global Thought Leader and Pioneer of Social Media Awareness and Social Media Harm Reduction / Social Media First Aid
Support Note From 2019: #Brazil #international
Afternoon,??Hey Bertrand!
I’ve been studying this for the past 10 years and understanding that the major companies have developed something more powerful than most can comprehend without being told or show.??Well, as ones in our corner of the World we can only welcome such findings --- with no small thanks...?In the United States the healthcare system and understanding how?social?media?affects you is behind?(We're faring no better over here.?Plus, the powers-that-be couldn't love it more --- same as in the?US,?we hear...), this is why I chose to partner with the documentary and others I’ve worked with in Europe and other counties who are ahead of certain understandings.?As you know?social?media?affects us whether we have a phone or not?and that shows how powerful it can be.??
Well, what you're saying may well mean our both, on big-picture and focus, are not equal 'crushes':?With that?affecting us?you may be encompassing also those whose clear societal (rather than just?social) advancement would definetely stand to lose if with no Web --- among which we do count our own workday:??
Regarding what users call?social?media, well, there's a lot that can be done with (like ours) very simple?e-mail accounts public and private and both, as it is with our Forum, in generous quantities --- and a very open list of addresses/sources (no Web page, no photo op, no private copy to/for anybody on societal matters).?
That's how we make sure our aim is not aimless ---- and that's how we run very little risk of mouthing out unmatured (or merely commercial) utterances.??So you yourself too indeed?areinvited to point out anything un-/dysfunctional (regarding?SMDD, if you like) on/in our materials.??
That's why?(see below)?I've made a point of showing you (and others, and many others before you) our chief guidelines --- and we do expect everybody to have their say on them:??OURS THUS INDEED IS A TRUE FORUM, WITH EQUAL SAY ROOM FOR EVERYBODY --- AND NO ROOM FOR MERE VENDORS IN DISGUISE.??And the present remarks, presently only mainly 'spoken' out by me, aren't but the result from much contributed by previous presenters/producers worldwide --- which now of course include YOU.??Thanks!???
When it comes to?social?media?age has nothing to do with it?(You mean you regard, say, your own mom and dad as equally prone to?SMDD??...),?it’s all about?perception?(if you mean?awareness,?OK...)?and?that can hurt or help someone’s cause or situation?and I’m glad to create the understanding behind that and that is the purpose.??Well, that's fair enough, but prior, big-picture bases there do need proper touching as they are not holding much water, are they???Let's see:??
Bertrand, speaking of?SMDD?sufferers (or carriers...), by the final product that they are I meant,?and I mean, it can easily become quite an industry to just forget that these poor folks (by the way, "jungle fever" at its worst...) came from family environments?rather empty?themselves in the first place.??They are the Matrix itself at its worst --- and revisited.???Which all means:??We can have 'pundits' all around but Society itself still can come out a loser...??
These kids often grown-ups are just another version for selfishness --- or for an opposite of what is societal.?And then none other than?Edward Snowden?clearly implies even theNSA?takes a piece of the smart-phone 'action'.??Don't you want to ask them how worried they are by?SMDD?...??
So the "final product" becomes easy pray for 'do-gooders' with usually some ulterior agenda --- or agenda$.??So that's how they become less than voting (or religious...) 'cattle'.?It's so been all along with alcoholism or tobacco dependency --- if you want to have a better clue on how it goes, with very much the same prospects of success...?
I also mean, are 'pundits' afraid of going all the way???I don't mean it's a breeze task ahead (I myself for one can see no big victories in sight...), but I do mean that pretending it's not there isn't going to make it go away --- or stop it from getting bigger and bigger.?Yeah, I do feel somber about the whole thing --- so what?...?
Where are you from???You mean our graphics ringed no bells?!??See below both sides of my calling card.?It says ours is a forum identified with societal living, and with endeavoring for the Public Sector to be likewise.??Below: "Public Opinion at the Service of Society".?Then: "Public Power/Service Often Is Something?Quite?Else".?
And it all came (yeah, starting from a simple?e-mail account) with ideas locally and transnationally collected and matured since about 2007/2008 when, yeah, even a?PC?mouse still was to me quite a novelty --- and (like?TV??to this day?and ever after) had no 'phone around --- yeah.??
Was I or do I feel belated??I'd say not, in light of the fact I and others have chosen a path not only unafraid of exposure both local and otherwise (my 'phone lines don't even feature message boxes) but also a path, sadly, quite unfrequented among Web users:??
My calling card?(see below)?is quite familiar with all kinds of Public Sector agencies (all police branches and the Military included...) --- though not always to their liking...?But hey, they all feel scant inspiration for any funny surveillance/search:??They know to be still in our heads whatever materials worth their bother (an angle that has been eluding?Edward Snowdenhimself, our American?extraordinaire...) --- also in light of the fact this Coordinator's 'phone lines (and his face) are way more public than those we are told are public in town and elsewhere...?
Much of the above is thus why, as non-Americans, a?million-dollar?question is to us behind why nationals just can't afford it in the "land of the free, home of the brave".??So any observer has got good reason to suspect pretty much the same as being behind the hurdles facing?Jonathan Bertrand?himself on the subject presently on our (joint?) table:??The average 'pundit' wants both opinion impact --- and very visible improvements on personal economics...
But now?you, Bertrand?do happen to be our very first ever interracial?social?experiment in urbia anywhere.?It would be quite a domestic no go: not necessarily because of any race issue?per se?but because of?social?history:?Blacks in the?US?have been shorchanged just like the Red Indian; over here they have been?tamed?just as much as Whites themselves?---?only,?beyond all possible redemption!?I thus feel like a survivor rule breaker...??
So voting for anything public has long got equally screwed up and hopeless, just like all Man-made Religion as it has long become a curse on Humanity?(anything new to you here as an American?...).?Well, Public Interest and big-picture became our Religion, which's a language we hear is something like Javanese to the average American --- well, just as in my own homeland...??Which's sad.??
But so that's the antidote I and others have been resorting to against the self-absortion (or me-me-me) disorder that got lately coined a nice name.?Only, it's not much use to approach it only at its later stages --- when mental-health talk becomes unavoidable...??
But so:??Do we over here run any risk of catching?SMDD???After all, aside from bed-table, all-essential readings, YouTube, which so often can of course be boringly/disgustingly me-me-me, can well be our chief searching ground as far as the Web goes.??And it often is a?very?cheap, gender-democratic?marketplace with straight-faced vendors of every possible feather --- so what???
But then as you can see, current?SMDD?approach can indeed be revised, and you're very free,?and hereby invited, to share with others whatever pertinent can come out from our interaction --- through your very Web page if you like:?Any pertinency with our job over here should not be,?and is not, for sale, for we love and prize our freedom to point out and aim with accurate, healthy liberty,?regarding anything presenting itself as less than free.??So let's see others' takes on our say to you ---?just in case they are up to it...?
Regarding all other urban experiments others engage in, for some reason I feel rather connected to this rendition of a pop classic, by someone himself dealing with tough times within, I suspect.?But he does manage to, with beautiful urgency, convey a sense millions should nowadays relate to --- which of course does include our becoming (what else?) much like?clownsin light of better urban roles, and results...:?