SMBiT Pro - Melbourne Conference - Presentation to MSPs
Robert Ek presented at the recent National Conference in Melbourne on the 27th and 28th of October.
Topic: MSPs need confidence (both internally and externally) to survive - ISO 27001 certification - a Business Track presentation.
A brief look at the evolution of SMB IT Services Providers over the last 20 years.
The risks that MSPs face today's market:
So how does an MSP stay relevant?
Customers will continue to get wiser as most have already been hit by some data breach - Optus, Medibank, and now Latitude etc. etc.
Will cyber insurance premiums continue to escalate?
We are living in the world of constant certifications for engineers.
Things are changing rapidly.
Conclusion - a path to be taken via ISO27001 Certification - the proof for the MSP, their clients and their supply chain.