SMB Forum: where smaller businesses help each other transition to a greener and fairer economy

SMB Forum: where smaller businesses help each other transition to a greener and fairer economy

The UN Climate Change Conferences (known as COPs) showed us that climate change is a project too big for any one government. Both COP 26 (2021) and 27 (2022) ended with rather disappointing outcomes. Businesses must take the lead.

History shows that corporations can better organise and carry out tasks too big for one person. Or even one government.

The most trusted institution

When the government is absent, people expect businesses to step in and fill the void, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer. This shows that there are high expectations of businesses to address societal challenges. They bring CEOs new demands to focus on these challenges with the same rigour, thoughtfulness, and energy used to deliver on profits.

When considering a job, most employees want their CEO to speak out on controversial issues they care about.

UN Global Compact and B-Corp

The are several global initiatives to get businesses involved in the fight against climate change and other societal challenges. The UN has an initiative called The UN Global Compact and provides a principle-based framework, thought leadership, best practice case studies, resources, tools, and hundreds of events.

Then, there are initiatives like the B-Corp, which is a designation by B Lab, a non-profit organisation, that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.

However, given the way they work and their price tags, they exclude a lot of smaller businesses that could meaningfully contribute to the global green agenda.

SMB Forum

P27 has its own initiative, called the Small and Mid-sized Business Forum (SMB Forum). A group for founders and leaders (CEO, CFO, COO, etc) of growing SMBs – from the Idea stage onwards – who want to grow and make the world a better place.?It is also for selected experts and larger businesses working with SMBs who can contribute to the initiative.

Its mission is to help businesses transform the global and regional economies into sustainable ones, by fostering collaboration between businesses around the world.

The group focuses on connecting business people who want to reduce their environmental impact or take advantage of the green economy. Members can learn from each other, share resources and make a difference.

Everyone can join for free (subject to approval by P27).

Final thoughts

Governments are disappointing and, given the extremely difficult geopolitical situation, chances are they will continue to be so. Therefore, it is paramount that leaders in charge of both large businesses and smaller ones take the lead.

This is especially the time for the many start-up founders and SMB leaders to come up with visions and business models that inspire people around the world and lead them to a new, sustainable lifestyle, with honest, positive messages.

If you are one of them, please join the SMB Forum.

I wish all a prosperous and peaceful 2023.

