Smarter, together: 3 Social Trends for 2025
It's January 1, 2025 - a time to reflect on the past & envision the future ??
Looking towards 2025, we see 3 emerging trends that'll define this year.
Trend #1: Remote collaboration tools moving to the forefront
One way or another, we're ALL working with remote team members & collaborators. And our tools need to keep up.
In 2025, we expect to see more companies (including ours) tackling this issue & adding remote collaboration features. There are many examples to be inspired by... and no one right way to do it.
If you've ever built multi-player systems, you know that "Team Mode" is context-dependent & TRICKY to get right.
And we're up for the challenge ????
Our #1 JourneyMaker request is for remote collaboration. And I'm pleased to share that Team Mode Phase 1 is working on our staging server & will ship early in Q1.
If you want to turn discovery & validation into a team sport, watch now????
Trend #2: Media mistrust & exhaustion is driving new behaviors
In 2024, people's trust in public media channels plummeted. ?? And it's easy to see why.
We're bombarded daily with AI-generated content, clearly biased reporting & inflammatory emotion-juicing stories that cycle through the news before they can be debunked. It's overwhelming & exhausting.
Increasingly, we're turning away from public media, & seeking private, trusted spaces where we can relax & let our guard down.
In my interview with media pioneer Gina Pell she outlined the toxic media dynamics that led to her launching two private & successful communities for women.
Gina was prescient. She saw this trend years ago - & in 2024, it accelerated dramatically.
There's no substitute for transparent incentives. If something is free - you're the product.
And collectively, we're getting tired of being the product - of sorting through all the crap & misinformation, trying to figure out what's real.
Trend #3: Private membership communities fill the gap
When it's hard to know what to believe, & who to trust - we naturally seek out alternative spaces filled with people that we feel comfortable around & want to connect with.
In 2025, we expect an increase in curated spaces where people build meaningful relationships. Think private clubs, peer masterminds & membership communities.
The key shift is that these spaces are supported by membership fees VS advertising.
And that changes the incentives for info-sharing, relationship-building & value creation.
We're feeling this shift within our own community - driven by our Alumni & clients. So we're launching a private Alumni community – for innovative Builders who want to connect with peers, level-up their product skills & get breakthroughs 10X faster.
This community is open to graduates of our Product Breakthrough Bootcamp – a hands-on introduction to our validation system & toolkit, powered by JourneyMaker.
If you want to kickoff 2025 with a speed boost, this high-powered workshop for you ??
So that's what we see coming up in 2025. Now - I'd like to hear from you.
Do these trends mirror what you're seeing? Or do you see something else? What trends are emerging in YOUR world? I'd love to know, tell me in the comments & let's get smarter, together ????
Wishing you a healthy, happy & prosperous 2025 ??