Smart Ways To Power Through This Crisis
Be Yourself : Overcoming Coronavirus Crisis

Smart Ways To Power Through This Crisis

21 days of complete lockdown! It seems like just another bad dream. No get-togethers, no movies, no shopping, no selfies.

Who imposed this crisis on us? Nature? God? (Nature and God, both are intertwined, I would say) Or is it humans themselves? Though atheists may mock "God's children", it shows that human beings are vulnerable, no matter how advanced the world is.

The world witnessed a different holy week this year with prayers being live-streamed to people at home. Pope Francis' Urbit et orbi in front of an empty St. Petersburg Square, amidst heavy rain, was an incredible scene.

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'We find ourselves afraid.' The Pope

Life is full of surprises. And, there is no escape from these surprises, good or bad.

It is here that our attitude or positive outlook could be a deciding factor in overcoming this crisis effectively.

“If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude about it. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou

Adopt, Adapt and Improve!

Manage your time efficiently. Plan your day well. Being effective boils down to time management. We've always been plagued by procrastination. This is the opportune time to deal with our unfinished business, both personal and professional life.

I'm one among those millions out there who're trying to make the most out of this COVID lockdown, fighting this temporary lockdown, in a better way. Stay safe and spend time judiciously.

Apart from work, it is nice engaging in small DIY like making paper bags.

Virtual co-working was something, I started adapting to even before the onset of COVID. And, you can be productive either way, virtual or real. We're getting good at virtual. Humans, as Science says, is the most adaptive species on earth, a phenomenon termed as plasticity.

Learn new career skills. Stay relevant, up to date with advances in your field and help yourself stay ahead of the curve. There are many online courses available that would help you meet your career goals.

Learn a new language.

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You're never too old to learn a new skill! Polish your creativity and analytical skills learning a new language.

I've started with initial lessons in French. Thanks to the Duolingo app.

Spend time with nature: ... as the old quote says, during our life on earth: Plant a tree, have a son and write a book. so that we live on long after we have passed. Leaving a legacy behind.

Sit down! Relax :) Be one with nature. It's so refreshing to be in your yard under the thicket. Listen to nature. Grow your food. There is no shame in good work. Relish the fruit of your hard work. Stave off boredom by tending your garden. Any given day, nature can be trusted over humans.

"Life is bristling with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to cultivate one's garden."  - Voltaire, French Satirist and Social Critic

Bring life to your garden. Rest assured that you'll get to enjoy all those little, busy creatures, we often overlook. Dance to the tune of your favorite song. Enjoy the rain. Hum your favorite song.

Bring life to your garden. Rest assured that you'll get to enjoy all those little, busy creatures, we often overlook. Dance to the tune of your favorite song. Enjoy the rain. Hum your favorite song.

Past two months Earth has been on a DETOX mode with fewer vehicles on road and I'm on a detox mode from meat from four months.

I planted a jackfruit seed and named it "COVID", as a remembrance of this unusual times.

Back into shape

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Keep yourself fit this COVID season; exercise till it sweats.

That's me ??

Write your heart out: Well, writing can be hard. Many great works were not completed from fear of perfection. How to start? Where to start? Is this fine? I'd start it all over again. Should I ever write? These are very common author fears a budding writer deals with. Ah! Thanks to the Backspace/Delete keys on your keyword.

Write what you feel no matter what others would feel like. Write your story. Once you start, you'd love it. Well, it takes so much scribbling though.

Read till you fall asleep: Improve your conversational and vocabulary skills by reading. It's not easy, I know. Random thoughts and tons of things that need attention often pull you away from the pages of your book. You're not alone :)

I'm just like you and I deal with it by setting myself a timer.

“Even if you do not have the time to read them all, overstuffing your bookshelf or e-reader is good for you.” Jessica Stillman
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Mein Kampf has been on my reading list for quite some time. I was always curious to explore the thought process of the world's greatest dictator, Der Führer, a man responsible for the death of 50 million people.

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From childhood, I was always curious about the uncanny resemblance Chaplin and Hitler shared. If the former was the most celebrated iconic figure of Hollywood, the latter was the most hated. Interestingly, I was always more curious about the latter's life.

Mein Kampf was interesting! It's your chance to grab a book and experience something new. Well, you can choose a less aggressive book though ??

Dare to experiment with your culinary skills! Take command over your kitchen. I've been busy exploring different dishes and savoring my favorite snacks from Sughiyan to French Fries.

All you need is SLEEP ?? Stay healthy mentally and physically with od sleep. Live longer! Don't give up on your dreams or sleep. Lol!!

Rester en contact: Keep in touch with your loved ones. During these unprecedented times, checking-in on your friends and family is very important.

Kneel down and pray through it Know that God is good. Explore His divine presence in you, in your neighbor and in the nature that surrounds you.

Stay safe! Nous Vaincrons

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