Smart Ways to Grow Your Business During a Pandemic
I stumbled upon an article that discusses Smart Ways to Grow Your Business During a Pandemic. Here are a few good points that I wanted to share:
At a time when many companies are working remotely, operating at limited capacity, or shut down completely, it may seem like there are few, if any, opportunities to achieve business growth. Despite these setbacks, there are ways to make the most of the current circumstances and continue growing your business during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Although many digital marketing channels like blogs, email newsletters and social media are free or low-cost, businesses trying to grow right now must be strategic about the time and resources they dedicate to their marketing efforts.
To make the most of social media right now, identify your target customers and pay close attention to what they're saying and doing online. At a time when everyone is feeling uncertain about their health and the economy, you can stand out by responding to your customers' current needs and concerns, and addressing things from their perspective.
Most companies have shifted their sales processes into the virtual realm, but just because you're pitching over a Zoom call doesn't mean it's any less professional. Treat your virtual sales calls like in-person meetings and prioritize first impressions. Dress professionally, optimize your background and home office environment, and make sure your audio and video are clear for seamless communication.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.