The Smart way to protect people from injury at moving machinery
All pictures here are property of Mechan Controls / Fortress Interlocks / Inxpect

The Smart way to protect people from injury at moving machinery

Today we can found several ways to protect people on the factory ground to be injured from a moving equipment . In this article we will try to show some examples that are very easy to apply and with effective cost Vs benefit

First case we have a rotating equipment in a closure environment and if someone opens the doors the equipment will stop and send signal to the control room. The HED-SS switch from Mechan Controls reduces wiring and installation time providing a unique way to guard double doors. it feature multi gate indication and coded magnetic operation for enhanced security. We can have a reset button locally or in the control room to re-initiate the machine as the doors are closed again.

The HED-SS switch reduces wiring and installation time providing a unique way to guard double door. If features multi gate indication and coded magnetic operation for enhanced security

These switches are Non-Contact, Magnet & Reed Switch Technology. and are in options with ABS ( Plastic ) or 316 Stainless Steel , Pre-Wired or Quick Disconnect in a wide Range of Sizes & Specifications . They have also the option of RFID Safety System, with Dynamic Signalling and Modular Control and options of 24VDC, 110VAC & 230 VAC. They have modular units that can have up to 30 Switches input. The SS grade switches are suitable for Pharmaceutical, packing, beverage & Petro-Chemical industries and are IP67 & IP69K suitable for CIP & SIP cleaning and can be high pressure hosed.

Second Case is a protection using light curtains

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The MLG-Series light curtain system from Mechan Controls works by creating an infrared detection zone across the danger area such that any intrusion into the zone results in a stop signal being sent to the machine and the danger being removed. This system also can have a reset button to re-initiate the machine locally with key that operator can only reset after make sure the danger is removed. The infrared light are generated between the yellow columns .

Third Case is and advanced protection using the Non-Contact Sensors above in conjunction with a system called trapped key. This combination of 2 systems give a high safety protection to the people. This trapped key from Fortress Interlocks as the name means, the key will trapped for a protection of the operation or maintenance personal. The best example is a rotating equipment that has 2 door for maintenance that cannot be access during operations to avoid fatalities. This system can contain 3 keys system where 2 keys ( Maintenance Keys ) are trapped all times and the 3rd key ( Operator Key ) is in the control room with operation. If Maintenance need to work, the operation goes to the machine insert his key and if the machine was not shutdown previously, when the operator turn his key the machine will stop automatically. As soon the operator turns the key the other 2 keys can be release by the maintenance to open the doors to perform the maintenance, At this time the operator key will be trapped and only can be release if the other 2 keys return to their positions meaning that all doors are closed and confirmed by the non contact switches. These keys have a unique code that can be reproduced only by the manufacturer. I consider this combination the most safety protection system

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Last case is a radar system. The radar system LBK-S01 from Inxpect has the capability to detect only persons and not objects, This system is programmable using a computer software that is offered for free from the manufacturer and the action field can be adjusted as desired. As soon a person enter in the action field the equipment shutdowns until the person leave the action field area.

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As you can see you have several options to optimize the safety in the ground factory work place and it is your choice to increase the security level as a high standard or stay in the minimum level. Everything depends if the equipment will cause an injure of fatality of if just stop the production. All times that the safety is needed to avoid fatality or injuries is mandatory will have the most high level of protection , not only with systems but also with good procedures and training.

This article is from SimAut LLC - - Sales Ph +1(281) 841-5871

SimAut is one of the sales channels from Mechan Controls and Fortress Interlocks


