Smart Water Management
“Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine.” ― Slovakian Proverb

Smart Water Management

Water is the elixir of life…with 80 % of the human body being water, we know it is an essential life-sustaining element on Earth! Water providers (Municipality or builders of residential colonies…) have a choice of supplying unclean, unaccounted, wasted, and non-potable water to households or, clean, potable, unwanted, and right amount of water to its public. Public-conscious decision-makers would choose the latter….which means they should read and implement Smart Water Management!!

Why go for Smart Water Management (SWM)

Smart Water Management ensures right Quality and right Quantity of water to users. In addition, the system ensures efficient water resource utilization, thus increasing accountability, healthy water for users. It eliminates use of individual house owned water purifiers and consequent contamination due to RO waste.

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Why Efftronics?

With vast experience in the Smart Water Management area and implemented in some cities (under Municipalities) and townships (of PSUs), Efftronics is successfully running systems for over 11 years. Efftronics has dedicated R&D, developing unique solutions and continuously improving existing systems also. We have 24×7 Customer Support spread across 150 locations in India, reachable in 24hrs to site if required. We are totally a Make In India company, serving the needs of Indians.

What do I get?

  • IoT-driven, sensor-based system providing real-time, truthful data without human intervention. Data converted to analytics helps in taking decisions.
  • Centralized monitoring and Control using advanced analytics
  • End-users can view their consumption level/patterns, alerts on leakages if any.
  • O&M Teams:?View status/alerts/schedules/reports from central location. Has user-based access to data and control. In addition,

  1. Supervisors can assign work and monitor status from a central location
  2. The automatic valve controls and pumps on/off from the central location
  3. Pump efficiency reports
  4. Demand vs Supply reports
  5. Real-time report on Chlorine, TDS levels, so that corrective action taken

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Smart Water Management is an investment of lasting value, not an expense!



