SMART Principles to Troubleshooting (building case #1)

SMART Principles to Troubleshooting (building case #1)

Study Case: Building Enclosure

Symptom: operator cabin inside tall building gets ingressed by rain water

the team did: uSer & Modular: SMART approach:?

1.uSer - blackbox perspective; they studied the overall integrated system as a whole - what it does. Tall roof & building has to protect the inside from rain & wind

2. Modular functioned view & Analyze;?

Tall cladding (metal sheet) wall's louvres allowed windy rain splashed entering the building and dripped down along its interior surface.?

Beneath it:??

Cabin's ceiling unable to hold dripped water log above it & gushed down its heavy water down onto the electrical cabinet

3.Rectify (gRounded approach); they made feasible modification by horizontally cut the wall cladding & sandwiched the simple tilted sliding plate -- kind of tray but simply straight (slide away rain drip directly to the external of the wall) so blocked & routed the water drip to the exterior of metal sheet wall ... the tray put along the horizontal circumference of the cabin

4.Testing & observe; they observed during heavy rain: no more big water log on the ceiling


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