The SMART Polymath: A Framework for a Complete Life
E&T Magazine

The SMART Polymath: A Framework for a Complete Life

The original (better formatted) article is in Substack. Click here for that.

Disclaimer: This article is about my realizations and efforts to live a life of excellence. If some of the things below resonate with you, feel free to use it. And if not, then please discard it and let it be. What worked for me might not work for you.


I realized that I should try to excel at all aspects of life. Not just home and career. I remember the different areas by the acronym, SMART. Strength, Mind, Allah (Spirituality), Relationships and Taka (Career and Finance).?

In this article, I share the mindset, skillset, habit hacks and resources I use to try to excel in each of these areas. I hope it is useful to some of you.?

I’ve also linked the repository of all my knowledge on the SMART areas in Notion if you want to check that out.?

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The Problem

I probably have 30 more years on this earth, if Allah SWT wills. It might be the same for you. Or less. It sort of doesn’t matter, because it all flies by. Very fast.

Sometimes I have a thought that jars me into the present. What if, on my deathbed, I have the dreadful realization that I prioritized the wrong things?

That I gave far more importance to things in my life that didn’t deserve it - and far less to things that did.?

How I Tried to Fix It

I thought about this long and hard. At one point, I became a productivity fiend. Devouring every Non Fiction career/self-improvement book and podcast I could get my hands on. Hoping they would give me the roadmap to a well lived life.??

Books like the 4 Hour Workweek, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Power of Habit, Never Eat Alone, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, How to Win Friends and Influence People and on and on.?

And podcasts like Freakonomics, $100 MBA, The Tim Ferriss Show, and every show that came close to the topics covered by these.?

I even went all in on blogs. I read a lot of in-depth articles on productivity, career and being a good man at the Art of Manliness blog (it's awesome by the way - you should check it out).

In short, I searched for all the ways I could "improve". Although, I was unclear as to what I wanted to improve on! And so I was stuck in a vicious cycle of consuming content that I thought would help me, but in fact was further cementing me within the walls of procrastination.

It got to a point where I would read articles on being a great dad on my phone - while the very person I was reading it for (my 3 year old son) was begging me for attention.?

My Realization

In order to solve the conundrum I was in, I decided to use the tools that Management Consulting had given me - I decided to go back to first principles.

In other words, I tried to deduce what broad parts of my life I needed to focus on in order to become a well-rounded person.

While I was trying to figure that out, this quote from Robert A. Heinlein really spoke to me.?

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.

This made me realize two things.

First, the components of my life had to span from myself (body and mind), to things outside of me. My God, my relationships and my contributions to others [This was the 'What'].

?Secondly, I realized that the relationship I had with these different aspects is that of service. I had to take initiative and with my enthusiasm and intelligence, serve each of these areas of my life [This was the 'How'].

"Service to many leads to greatness" - Jim Rohn

The SMART Solution I Arrived At?

SMART stands for Strength, Mind, Allah (Spirituality), Relationships and Taka (Career and Finance). In my experience, these are broadly the 5 most important areas of a person’s life. Or at least, my life.?

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The Endgame

Your body is your most important asset in the world. The more you take care of it, the longer you can experience it.?

The Mindset

"Veggies, Sleep and Exercise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise". Thank you Ben Franklin!?

The Skillset [Strategies]

80% of your health depends on what you eat. So eat right.?

  • Include more vegetables in your diet. This can help you live longer!
  • Have the right balance of macronutrients like protein, carbs and fat. Here’s how?
  • Try intermittent fasting. Cycling your body through periods of feast and famine will help your body regenerate and stay young

20% of your health is exercise?

  • Do something every day. Preferably right after you wake up
  • Mix it up between cardio and strength training.?
  • Finally, do what you enjoy. That’s the only way you can continue in the long run

Tips and Tricks [Tactics]

  • Start small. Really small. Like, 1 minute small. And build from there?
  • Try mixing it up between Cardio, Bodyweight Exercises and Resistance Training
  • You can do it in the gym or at home. Here are the pros and cons of both
  • Here are my notes on resistance training to get you started (e.g. Bro Splits, Push/Pull/Legs)

Habit Hacks

  • If I have trouble getting started with a habit, I use “Temptation Bundling”. This works by tagging a “bad habit” that I have with a “good habit” that I want to build. For example, I only allow myself something that I enjoy, like fizzy drinks or chocolate if I workout that day. It’s counterintuitive at first, but once I build momentum, the “good habit” will become automatic, and I don’t need the “bad habit” to keep me motivated.?
  • Every time I get up from work to rest, I do 5 pushups [This technique is called Habit Stacking]
  • I do 15 pushups before each large meal [Temptation Bundling]


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The Endgame

God designed humans with diverse talents. To be polymaths. So we should all strive to be polymaths -? capable across the spectrum of human endeavor.??

The Mindset

Here it is again!

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.

Specialization is for insects.- Robert A. Heinlein?

The Skillset [Strategies]

Planning: Use the SMART framework (Yes. This is a SMART framework within a SMART framework!)?

  • Structured Thinking: Think about every problem in a structured way. Using a structure like the Minto Pyramid Principle
  • Multiplier Effect: Always act on the lead domino first. The one thing that will make everything else easier?
  • Asymmetric Games: Always try to stack the game in your favor. Only play games where the odds are with you, not against you?
  • Rearview Mirror: Always use your past experiences to make decisions so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes again??
  • Triangulation: Take information from multiple sources and come to your own decision?

Here’s an overview of the Minto Pyramid Principle to get your started.?

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Source: McKinsey & Company

Planning: Use the 4Cs of strategy when solving problems (Source: HBR)?

  • Combination?
  • Contrast
  • Constraint
  • Context?


  • “Execute with Creativity, Focus and Daring”
  • Execution: Use the 4 Disciplines of Execution. Which are:?Focus on the Wildly Important, Act on the Lead Measures, Keep a Compelling Scoreboard, Create a Cadence of Accountability

Tips and Tricks [Tactics]

Habits: The key to nurturing your mind is to build the right habits. You can use the 4 Laws of Behavior Change by James Clear to do that?

  • Make it Obvious: So that you automatically do the habit
  • Make it Attractive: So you want to do the habit
  • Make it Easy: So there’s no friction to doing the habit
  • Make it Satisfying: So you feel good after doing the habit?

Memory: Another key to achieving, is the art and science of memory?

  • Use the Memory Palace technique to remember a lot of stuff without writing them down
  • In this technique, you build a “Room” where you remember where things are by instinct. Then you put the things you want to remember in that room and imagine them interacting in fun and memorable ways. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Just watch this video

Habit Hacks

Here are some hacks I use to build “Good Habits”?

  • I save everything that I’m reading/listening to organized by my projects in Notion. It helps me sort the signal from the noise. This is my Knowledge Bank in Notion if you’re interested (Pictured below)

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  • I plan my day the night before in ClickUp, using David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) framework. Below is the screenshot of how I plan for the future across the SMART areas in ClickUp. You can use my Template if you want to (Pictured below)

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  • I Keep a counter on my phone to track the number of important but not urgent activities I’ve done that day. The Target is to hit a minimum of 10. This gives me positive feedback that keeps me going

Allah [Spirituality]

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The Endgame

You were sent to this earth to worship God. The answer isn't 42. It's this.?

The Mindset

Do each and every one of your actions to please God.?

The Skillset [Strategies]

  • I have found that all moral teaching rolls up to just 3 tenants
  • I use the 3H Principle to guide your actions: Honor, Hunger and Humility
  • Start from an honorable base, have the hunger to know you can, and the humility to know your origins even after you reach the top. These are my guiding principles?

Tips and Tricks [Tactics]

  • Start by Praying Fajr on time
  • Then try to pray at least one of the five prayers at the mosque to start with
  • Read or watch at least 10 Ayah from the Quran every day, along with the meaning. I have found that it's most effective when I do this immediately after waking up in the morning when my mind is fresh?
  • Watch YouTube videos. Seriously. It’s a good start. Watch whatever you enjoy. You can check out Mufti Menk, Zakir Naik, Nouman Ali Khan and Dr Israr Ahmed among others
  • Sign up to Bayyinah’s Dream program to learn Arabic and get closer to the Quran?

Habit Hacks

  • I listen to the Holy Quran immediately after waking up [Habit Stacking]


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The Endgame?

Everyone is a hero in their own story. Help them be that hero and the world will be laid at your feet.

The Mindset

Keep giving without keeping score and the receiving will take care of itself. Treat everyone with respect.?

The Skillset [Strategies]

  • Treat every relationship like a bank account. Whether it be with your spouse or your boss. If you keep on depositing good will, you'll find that you can sometimes withdraw favors when your back is against the wall
  • Remember. The way to a man's heart is through his Health, Wealth and Children. Help him win in these areas, and he'll never forget you
  • When dealing with heated situations, remember the 3Cs: Calm at all times, Compassion above all, Clarity on the solution
  • When negotiating, use the ABC method (Read the book, Crucial Conversations for more): Agree with the others' point, Build on it, Compromise and find a middle ground

Tips and Tricks [Tactics]

Habit Hacks

  • I speak to everyone like my life depends on it. Because I know that If you are nice and kind to others all the time, the world will push you to win. If you’re not, then it’ll keep pulling you to failure?

Taka [Career and Finances]?

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The Endgame

“Life is not designed to give you what you need. Life is designed to give you what you deserve” - Jim Rohn

The Mindset

Service to others leads to greatness. Always give 10X more than you are paid for.?

The Skillset [Strategies]

Figure out the area you want to work in using the SFT model

  • Sectoral expertise
  • Functional expertise
  • Technical expertise

Automate your income by building assets, instead of just income?

  • Think of your career using the Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant (See the diagram below)?
  • The left part of the quadrant is where you sell your time for money. But that isn’t scalable?
  • The right part is where the game is at. That’s how you become financially independent??
  • You do this by building businesses and investing in companies (in both private and public markets)

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How to value companies using another SMART framework

  • State: What is the company’s objective for doing the business??
  • Market: How big is the market they’re targeting, who are the customers and competitors
  • Application: What product are they using to win the market, how are they marketing and distributing??
  • Rare Assets: What are the moats they have (e.g Brand, Network Effects, Switching Costs)???
  • Transformation: How are they going to market? How experienced is the management

50/50 Rule for saving money, while living comfortably

Spend 50% of your income?

  • Spend 40% on fixed expenses like rent, food and transportation?
  • Spend 10% as “Fun money” to treat yourself without feeling guilty?

Save, Invest and Donate the remaining 50%?

  • 20%: Save for short term purchases??
  • 10%: Save for the long term??
  • 10%: Invest in assets like land, businesses and the stock market?
  • 10%: Donate to the poor (this will go towards paying off your Zakah)?

And be sure to keep 3 month’s worth of expenses at all times in case of emergencies?

Tips and Tricks [Tactics]

Habit Hacks

  • I constantly ask myself whether I’m giving 10 times more to my job than I’m being paid for?
  • Every time I spend money, I note it down in the Money Manager Android App. This way I can balance my monthly spending [Habit Stacking]
  • I never get into debt. That includes buying things in installments. I always pay cash. I’ll let Dave Ramsey explain why??

Where We Go From Here

What I’ve shared with you is the ideal. I try to live up to these standards every day. But sometimes I fail to do so.?

But I think it’s important to at least have an idea of what a life well lived looks like, in order to start building the habits that will get you there.?

I plan to start a Newsletter where like minded polymaths can discuss ideas across SMART areas and solve problems.?

If you're interested, fill up this Form. And I’ll add you when it comes out :)?

The rest is up to Allah SWT.?

--- Annex 1: Frameworks Discussed ---

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--- Annex 2: Top Resources?---


?My Workout Notes in Notion - Notion

Reverse Engineered Approach to Human Longevity - Peter Attia - Video

Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death - Video

Athlean X Workouts - Video


My Knowledge Bank in Notion - Database?

My ClickUp Template for organizing your life - ClickUp

The Minto Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing, Thinking, & Problem Solving - Book

Atomic Habits - Book

The 4 Disciplines of Execution - Book

Allah [Spirituality]

Holy Quran Recitation with Meaning


Never Eat Alone - Book

Crucial Conversations - Book

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Book

Taka [Career and Finance]

Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant - Book

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Book

What Color is Your Parachute - Book

Deep Work - Book

The Little Book That Beats the Market - Book

The Dave Ramsey Show - Video

--- Annex 3: Top Quotes ---


  • "You have to be strong in body for life to take you seriously and give you what you want" - Anonymous
  • "Building muscle is a shortcut to being able to eat a hearty meal" - Jeff Cavaliere?
  • “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” - Anais Nin


  • "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”- Robert Heinlein
  • "Self Confidence comes from not neglecting the small things in life" - Jim Rohn
  • "Always FOCUS on your circle of influence, not your circle of concern" - Stephen Covey?
  • "Be courteous, yet courageous" - Stephen Covey?
  • “The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have.” – William Hazlitt
  • “It's the processes that matter to long term success. If you build effective processes through good habits, then you will effortlessly glide towards your goals” - Paraphrased from James Clear?

Allah [Spirituality]

  • Live by the 3Hs of Honor, Hunger and Humility?
  • Keep the afterlife in your heart and this world in your hands


  • "The secret to living is giving" - Tony Robbins
  • "The way to a man's heart is through his Health, Wealth and Children"?
  • "The mark of a real man is that he treats his inferiors exactly as he treats his superiors" - Anonymous?

Taka [Career and Finance]

  • "Life is not designed to give you what you need. Life is designed to give you what you deserve" - Jim Rohn
  • Service to many, leads to greatness - Jim Rohn
  • "Your pain can become your passion" - Tony Robbins
  • When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can! ' Then get busy and find out how to do it.- Theodore Roosevelt
  • "Get into the habit of giving more than you're paid for and nothing can stop you" - Les Brown
  • Don't get hired for positions. Get hired for problems - Me?

Mohammad Shekh Forid

Senior Manager( Lead, Business Development) at Purple Patch | Sales | AdTech | OTT | Marketplace | Fintech | Strategy | Business Growth |

3 年

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