SMART Planning is Not Just About Getting from Point A to Point B, it is About How to Plan for Point C and Beyond…

SMART Planning is Not Just About Getting from Point A to Point B, it is About How to Plan for Point C and Beyond…

Today’s companies seem to be focused on getting from Point A to Point B. In other words, companies primarily focus entirely on quarterly success or at most, annual success. Fewer companies strategically plan effectively for the future. The plan to get from Point B to Point C and beyond begins with planning to plan. It seems that no matter how often authors write about the importance of planning, very little seems to be done or if it is, it is still being done ineffectively. This problem does not limit itself to small companies; large companies also find themselves susceptible to the same problems. 

Point C should be planned out and it should be reachable. Having a Point C that is so distant and immeasurable will not do a company any good in the long-term. There is a method available that all persons in marketing should be familiar with it: SMART. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic, and Targeted. Now to get to Point C, this method should be used in accordance with (IAW) the objective(s) set by your marketing goals

Let me further explain the purpose of using the SMART method by beginning with the Specific. Specific is the planning process keys in on strongly identifying your company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and other important segments to meet objective requirements.  Measurable is about conducting analytics and research in addition to being able to determine if the processes are running efficiently and effectively.  Attractive is the process of maintaining or developing the focus of generating quality content, controlling waste or unnecessary activities, and making the process move more efficiently.  Realistic is about keeping the objective attainable, yet worthy not easily accomplished; such as making a bologna sandwich with mayonnaise and bread. Lastly, Targeted is about taking the design of the objective and giving it a timeline or deadline to complete it in. 

After the SMART method has been implemented, other areas to consider during the planning process are the budgeting plan, marketing plan, strategy for achieving optimal performance, consideration of using an IMC or a 360-degree marketing strategy plan, marketing campaign development (from beginning to end), and lastly, reverting to the measurable process. Also, the company should pay attention to their target market in regard to their specific demographics, psychographics, behavioral graphics, and geographics

About Josh Voight

Josh Voight is a military veteran and marketing executive consultant with 20 years overall experience as a creative and analytical professional, skilled in strategic planning, process improvement, and employee retention. 

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