“Smart network control with coordinated PV infeed”: full paper available ONLY UNTIL 23 May 2019
Seize this opportunity to read and download the paper on “Smart network control with coordinated PV infeed” by Energynautics’ Sabrina Hempel. It will be available until 23 May 2019 in the IET Digital Library: https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-rpg.2018.5268
“The paper explores an innovative method to assign the reactive power injected by PV sources and grid-connected batteries in order to mitigate the problem of their different position on the grid.
The paper proposes a new voltage regulation tool that does not need communicating with other boxes or devices on the grid, obtained through a learning process that monitor the condition of the grid at the point of connection. Simulations and field tests have confirmed that the coordinated control is particularly useful in situations with high PV infeed and without high loads.
This has potentially an important impact, as the further penetration of PV sources can be limited by the restrictions on the maximum voltage on the distribution lines.”
Pietro Tricoli, Deputy Editor in Chief, IET RPG.