Smart Meters and 5G: It's Time to Pay Attention

Smart Meters and 5G: It’s Time to Pay Attention

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Not long after cell phones first came out in the late 1980s, people started talking about radiation — how having something that receives and transmits using radio waves (a form of non-ionising radiation) clamped so close to your head could cause brain cancer. After all these years, it would appear that those fears were unfounded. Furthermore, the growth of the mobile network means there are more towers now, closer together, which should mean that the radiation output of a handset today can be much lower than it was in the early days.

There is one caveat to this tale, though. The newer smartphones now have a small-print instruction in the user manual to keep the phone “at least 5mm away from the body” at all times. That’s quite a new development. It’s not such a big deal for a lot of women, who carry them in handbags, but I tend to carry mine in my pocket. This year, I’ve started putting my phone onto Airplane Mode whenever it’s about my person.

The health concerns around smart meters have a similar ring to the old concerns around mobile phones (which are now manifesting in the latest user manuals) BUT with a lot more science and anecdotal evidence behind them.

Public Health England have declared smart meters safe. They do so on the back of research and recommendations given by The Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) in 2012. In 2016, a paper was released by UK neuroscientist Dr Sarah J. Starkey critiquing their research, saying there was a lot of inaccuracies, omissions and conflicts of interest.

One of the many issues Starkey points out is that the AGNIR set December 2010 as its cut-off date for research it would consider. This meant they “missed” the May 2011 classification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) as a 2B possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This classification has since been strengthened and is now adopted by the WHO.

Then, in May last year, the AGNIR was quietly disbanded. Apparently, their work here is done. Hmmmm….

In the popular press, the Daily Mail recently carried an article on rising health concerns around the 5G rollout. The 5G grid is designed to handle the massive upsurge in data requirements when the Internet-of-Things (IoT) gets going, of which smart meters are just the beginning.

The Lancet recently called for a proper assessment of ‘electromagnetic pollution’ and cites a meta-study that pulled together 2,226 studies on the topic, and found that over 68% of them demonstrated significant biological or health effects associated with exposure to anthropogenic electromagnetic fields.

Meanwhile, to bring this all to life with personal, sometimes heartbreaking stories of real people and real suffering caused by these technological ‘advances’, is an American site that carries a huge number of personal testimonies of how health massively deteriorated in families after a smart meter was installed, and improved almost immediately it was removed.

Now, like most people in the UK, I’m being called by installers, on behalf of my power company, keen to book an appointment to fit a smart meter in my house, completely free of charge. Recently, it so happened that a meter reader called round from Morrison Data Services, and I fell into conversation with him about these meters. This is a summary of what he told me;

  • smart meters emit 168 times the radiation of a smart phone
  • walking into a basement room where there’s a bank of smart meters — for a block of apartments, for example — he can feel his skin tingle
  • he’s had smart meters removed through fire safety concerns — some get very hot, and no one seems to know why
  • he had his own mothers’ meter removed. After weeks of delay and foot-dragging, he finally told them that she was starting to get attacks of nausea and dizziness. They sent someone around the very next day to replace it with an analogue meter
  • internal meetings at Morrison Data Services are choreographed and manipulated so that health concerns can not be raised
  • the official policy at the company around health concerns is… “we don’t talk about it”.

When the purveyors of these meters tell you that a smart meter is putting out no more radiation than your cell phone or wifi router, this is not true, according to my meter man. And even if it was true, I switch off my router and cell phone every night; I couldn’t do that with a meter.

When they tell you that a smart meter only transmits for 45 to 90 minutes a day, that is true. What they’re not telling you, though, it that this 45–90 minutes is broken up into around 150,000 millisecond bursts of microwave radiation across the 24-hour period, adding to the EMF smog already all around us from cell phone and wifi networks.

Look — I’m not saying that smart meters are being installed specifically to give the power companies greater insight into your moment-by-moment activities within your own home (though they do), or that they are the first step in charging us more for certain types of electricity use (charging your electric car, for example) or for usage at certain times of the day (though they have this potential). Nor am I saying that 5G is deliberately being rolled out to make some of us sick (though it does share similar features with so-called Active Denial crowd control weapons).

I am simply pointing out that there is strong and growing evidence that 5G on it’s own, or 5G in addition to all the other EMFs that already blanket our world, can have powerfully negative effects on people, as do smart meters. This is a list of symptoms known to have been caused by exposure to smart meter radiation, taken from a March 2015 study by Ronald M. Powell, PhD…

  • Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)
  • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
  • Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head
  • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing
  • Concentration, memory or learning problems
  • Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness
  • Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems
  • Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes,
  • Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain
  • Leg cramps, or neuropathy
  • Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains
  • Nausea, flu-like symptoms
  • Sinus problems, nose bleeds
  • Respiratory problems, cough, asthma
  • Skin rashes, facial flushing
  • Urinary problems
  • Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in menstrual cycle
  • Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior
  • Seizures
  • Recurrence of cancer

Furthermore, the all-clear for smart meters being given by Public Health England is based on a report that has been torn apart by a highly respected neuroscientist, yet they continue to cite it as the basis for their position that there are no health risks.

When the meter reading company has a policy of silence on the health concerns, and when the power companies will quietly remove any meter if there are reports of actual health issues arising in the household, then there are clearly causes for concern.

Until we really know what is going on here, Just Say No to smart meters! Some power companies and installers will infer (or even outright tell you) that having a smart meter installed is a legal obligation. In the UK, at least, this is not the case. Some sort of legal requirement will no doubt be coming in a year or two, but we’ll deal with that when it arrives. In the meantime, politely refuse, and ask to be taken off the call lists. It took me three attempts, but the calls have now stopped, and I’m sticking with my analogue meter.

Once again, I find myself distressed and disappointed that governments and corporations put policies and profits first. They should follow the precautionary principle, and the growing body of evidence that smart meters and 5G cause significant harm — even if it’s just to a relatively small number of people — ought to be sufficient for them to call a voluntary moratorium and run a proper risk assessment. Failing that, it’s up to us to push back.

Thank you Robert for this article. There have been documentaries on European and American large networks. Discussion with eminent scientists alerting to the dangers of 5G. But nobody seems to be paying attention. New Zealand gouvernement issued a statement saying they would not allow 5G towers in the country ... and 3 months later Vodafone is pitching their 5G products all over both islands. Japan has officially stated they will not stand with 5G towers, but what does that mean ? Who decides ? Unless there is a legislation banning 5G as a health threat AND an infringement on freedom and privacy (Big Brother is watching you, home video alarm systems and geo-location, GPS, and the idea of self-driving cars), companies have all the leeway in the world as long as people buy. I took the liberty of re-posting your article on my blog. Now, the big Question, How can we fight back ? Before our towns and fields resemble giant disheveled porcupines ? And our brains have gone to mush.



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