Smart Maintenance Tools by BOGE Kompressoren
Reducing energy costs by 50 percent, thanks to efficient compressed air management
About 86 percent of a company’s operating costs are energy costs. Compressed air is a very expensive, yet indispensable type of energy. Considering rising energy prices and the increasing political pressure to reduce CO2 emissions, companies should pay special attention to these “energy gobblers”. Half of all energy costs can be saved with efficient solutions provided by BOGE, compressor manufacturer.
Protecting budgets and the environment with sustainable compressed air generation: If industrial companies adjust the right elements, they will be rewarded with high savings potential and improved economy. This is how companies can halve their required energy requirements for compressed air generation, for example. This protects resources and lowers operating costs. Using smart tools provided by BOGE, companies can identify and use this potential.
Regular maintenance is indispensable for the efficient use of compressed air. After all, wear on seals and hoses can have significant financial consequences. Leaks are among the major and most common causes of energy losses in compressed air systems. Without regular maintenance, they will often remain undetected, wasting up to 50 percent of a system’s energy. To prevent this, BOGE has integrated a leak monitor in the control of its compressors. “The monitor records leaks during downtimes, thus allowing precise identification and rapid elimination of energy losses. This means that significant costs can be saved with minimal effort”, explains Frank Hilbrink , BOGE Product Manager.
Another important area where companies can lower energy costs, and can therefore be more economical, is heat recovery. Up to 94 percent of energy used during compressed air generation can be re-used as heat. In this process, BOGE diverts the waste heat from the compression process, specific to each compressor. It can then be used to heat rooms or water, for example. Compressors manufactured by others can also be retrofitted with BOGE’s heath recovery system. The average payback period is merely four months.
Smart control optimizes compressor utilization
An interlocking control, such as the BOGE airtelligence provis 3, makes the entire compressed air management efficient and adaptable. The intelligent control solution ensures the ideal utilization of compressed air systems. The software integrates an unlimited number of components and, based on requirement, works out the perfect compressor configuration for a specific time during operation. The smart tool is therefore particularly suitable for highly fluctuating compressed air requirements and mixed compressor combinations. Additionally, the airtelligence provis 3 continuously optimizes energy consumption: a reduction by merely 2 psi saves as much as 1 percent in energy costs.
Furthermore, the interlocking control helps with energy audits. Since 2015, the German Federal Government has obliged companies to perform regular energy audits or to introduce an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001. Smart software solutions, like those provided by BOGE, allow the integration of relevant data sources without recording actual usage data. The analysis of this data helps to identify energy savings potential and to meet the requirements of the certification process. If a company receives its certification, it will benefit from certain tax relief. With these measures, BOGE not only helps its partners to lower operating costs but also makes an active contribution with them to better sustainability and climate protection.