Smart Home Trends that Will Die in the Next 2 Years
In 2019, when the tech industry is witnessing unprecedented growth of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, just being ”smart” is not enough. Smart home devices industry is constantly developing and shows no signs of slowing down. Every year this ever-evolving market is introducing new smart home trends. Ordinary homes turn into places that look and function more like habitation from futuristic TV series. And if you want to stay compatitive while producing stuff for this sort of market, you definitely need to follow actual trends and preventively recognize anti-trends.
Smart home industry brings up a huge number of advantages such as energy-saving, accessibility, safety, and sustainability. At the same time, many users still face difficulties when having to decide on which services should their home devices be used or how to make sure that your smart home is working at its fullest. It happens due to many reasons, for instance, the different capabilities of separate services and product compatibility. Good thing is that the producers of disruptive home technologies monitor critically failed ideas and patterns and fix them. As a result, some trends naturally fade away while more effective solutions displace them.
In the following sections, we will describe the major trends that are currently disappearing from the smart home industry and what is coming instead. Check out with us if you anticipate the future of smart home appliances properly.
Smart Charging Instead Of Wires
No matter how innovative some of your home appliances are, most of them still depend on power batteries and wires. Modern smart home users find it annoying and time-consuming. Thus, many companies are also working on various wireless solutions for smart devices. For example, Wi-Charge has introduced a unique algorithm that enables sustainable device charging. The technology can give a new push for the development of such battery depending devices like mobile phones, smart locks, doors, and window sensors. Apparently, in quite a while we’ll say goodbye to most ugly and ubiquitous wires. After all, basic features of smart home are not only convenience and safety but also beauty and aesthetics.
Multifunctionality Instead Of Monofunctionality
With growing competition on the market, smart devices are getting even more advanced. There is no more place for solo products any longer. In 2019, tech companies strive to supply established smart appliances with plenty of functions and features. For instance, Philips started its light story with simple light bulbs that had only one actual function — illumination. But the latest generation of bulbs also have built-in motion sensors and millions of different light regimes to choose from. Moreover, such smart bulbs offer good compatibility across the board (Apple Homekit, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Samsung SmartThings).
Total Connectivity Kills Rare Connection Protocols
The ability of a smart device to interact with other products without any restrictions of access became a huge challenge for smart home producers. Currently, most businesses turned to WiFi and Bluetooth in order to connect their smart home devices and create a single smart home environment. At the same time, the idea of total connectivity requires high quality of connection technologies. Poor signal might become a serious obstacle for enjoying the full potential of smart home devices. Thus, the latest smart home devices are switching into Wi-Fi 6, or the next-generation WiFi.
Screened Smart Home Control Pushes Back Voice Control
A few years ago, voice control systems have disrupted the modern tech market. The idea of getting any info you want without any effort was so simple and convenient. Apps like Google Home, Apple Homepod and Amazon Echo are now integrated with speakers, lamps, cars, microwave ovens, TVs, and clocks, basically making every home device “listening” to you. In the modern smart market, voice is often not enough. For this reason, the latest smart home trends tend to build screened smart home devices, which would be able to display large pieces of information, adjust a range of settings at one time, or suggest persistent instructions.
Another strong wave that sooner or later will fundamentally change the idea of home environment management is “brain” control. So far Elon Mask only announced about future capabilities of his new innovation — Neuralink. But all humanity is looking forward with great anticipation to this technology and it’d better for smart home manufactures to keep their ears open in this direction.
More Virtual Assistances
Soon after making their home smart, users often realize that their smart devices speak different languages. Industry newcomers often do not know that different devices and services available on the smart home market are only compatible with particular smart assistant (Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, Apple’s HomeKit or Samsung’s SmartThings). Having light bulbs only working with Alexa and smart locks supporting Google Home can become a real disaster. In 2019, many smart home devices started supporting two or more smart assistances at the same time. For example, Sonos One speakers are now compatible with both Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. In the meanwhile, it might be a good decision to choose one “brain” for all your smart home devices.
One app replaces millions apps
Modern smart home devices do not require a separate app to work with them any more. This innovation helps both the smart home devices industry and users to save a lot of money and time. Users only need an app once to set up to launch a bunch of new devices. Later on, smart hybrid apps, such as Loxone Smart Home App, are successfully used to control your smart home.
Importance Of Being Actual
The idea of having a smart home is to make one’s life easier and more relaxed. However, this is not always the reality faced by modern users. In fact, having smart home can end up proving to be quite stressful with a range of issues. Devices don’t connect properly or have difficulties to find the speaker, or the coffee machine doesn’t make its scheduled coffee and users find themselves dozing at the wheel of their cars and so on and so forth. It’s not that easy to be a producer of smart home devices nowadays. You should permanently monitor thousands of user cases, enroot really cool solutions and throw away poor and out-of-date technologies. Just remember that the world of smart home appliances changes all the time for better and you should change with it as well.
For us, CES 2020 is an amazing opportunity to discover the latest news of the IoT world, and meet other professionals and enthusiasts. Yes, exactly, we are looking forward to meeting you. If you have the same thoughts, schedule a meeting with us, and we’ll talk in January!