SMART GOALS will not work... This will!
Joel Yakowitz
Helping men over 55 stay in the PRIME of life... Using our 5 pillars of the EXPERT system... Nutrition - Exercise and Recovery - Joint health and injury prevention- Stress reduction - Hormone health and Testosterone
William had good intentions.
But right now, he sat in the car in his driveway not wanting to leave this space of solitude and walk into his family home.
His back was throbbing, he was tired, overwhelmed, and now feeling guilty for just wanting a moment to himself before the onslaught of “Can you do X, we need to make dinner, the yard needs to be mowed, and dad look at this!”
He was not James Bond.
He wasn’t hit by an explosion while running from enemies firing bullets from the hood of a Lamborghini, and there was no sexy Russian daughter of a clandestine crime syndicate he was trying to save.
But there were explosions at his back, enemies he was running from, and a vision of himself and how he wanted to be seen that needed saving.
In his case the explosions were back pain and bad news from his doctor (he is pre-diabetic), and his enemies were lack of time, procrastination and the comfort of nachos and beer.
William stared at his hands, still on the steering wheel, barely hearing the newscaster delivering more bad news from around the world.
His mind traced back the steps to understand what went wrong.
He had set his goal to do his strength and conditioning workout at the gym 3 days this week. He had planned on prepping his meals so that he was eating better…
Then he overloaded himself with work and commitments.
A co-worker called out sick.
His wife needed him to pick up their daughter from school and make dinner.
And that was yesterday. Today was more of the same.
And now here he was, sitting in the driveway realizing there was no way he was going to make it to the gym today on top of everything else. And meal prepping was supposed to have happened three days ago.
"I'll try to make up for it tomorrow." He thought. Again…
... Perhaps you can relate with William?
William attacked his health and fitness by developing SMART goals because this was what he was familiar with and what worked in his business life.
You are probably familiar with SMART goals.
A SMART goal is defined as being…
Every business coach, health coach, and entrepreneur will tell you to set up SMART goals.
Because they work!
But there is a problem that no one is telling you.
This is not going to work for you… Not for personal changes like these.
I'm going to give you what will work, but first ’ll explain, Let’s use William as an example.
William wanted to improve his health and fitness. So he set a SMART goal.
He would go to the gym 3 times a week for the next 12 weeks. (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely)
This seemed doable, and yet every week he would find himself falling short, and instead of feeling confident and successful, he was feeling frustrated and cursing himself for not hitting the mark once again.
Here is the thing… SMART goals work for companies and organizations. They can also work for setting personal goal targets., but they are not useful for individual actions to achieve those goals.
This is why I developed a new system that I call the Behavior Action Leveraging System
or B.A.L.S
And I am going to share it with you in this free video training.
In this video You'll discover:
The simple mindset hack you can use to put your habits on auto pilot.
A way to understand which behaviors are going to work for you right now.
A simple science based system for developing goals that provide you with a win every time
Even on your bad days, because, let’s be honest. If every day was a good day you wouldn’t be having these problems.
This cutting edge science-backed system is the very system I use with my high paying clients.
I’ve developed this simple system through my personal experience from coaching hundreds of clients to make sustainable habit change.
This isn’t only for fitness. It will work for any habit that you are setting out to develop.
That may be for Fitness and health, improving relationships, in your business, or improving your mental health and stress management.
If this is something you would like just respond with
"I need BALS" or just drop a GIF or image with balls in it. (sports balls please you animal!!)
(the people who don't read all of this will wonder what is going on in the comment section )
I'll send you the video link to the training
On your side
The Body Science Coach
2 年Joel, thanks for sharing!