Matthew Graham M.
Clinical Research Professional ? Business Accounting ? Scouts South Africa
A Goal, clearly defined, grounded in reality, and unambiguous in its implementation, will give you the desired result.
Goals should, no they must, follow the SMART protocol.
Goals must be SPECIFIC, clear and conscice. It is useful to ask yourself/selves 5 questions based on the 5 W's:
What am I trying to achieve?
Why is this goal important?
Who else is involved?
Where is the this important/relevant?
Which resources or limits are involved?
Goals must be MEASURABLE, tracked as a project, with steps and milestones. Lay out a road map with the start (today), the completion (when you reach your Goal), and specific steps/levels of progress, which you can regularly refer to in order to keep track of your progress, and identify any obstacles and improvements.
Goals must be ACHIEVABLE, based on verified facts, and possible based on your available resources.
When you set a Goal, you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can change the likelihood of success. An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:
How can I accomplish this goal?
How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as limited resources?
Goals must be RELEVANT, realistic and reasonable. Your Goal must address a need, that will have a verifiable output and satisfy a predefined demand.
Questions you can ask yourself to ensure relevance:
Is this Goal important?
To who is this Goal important?
Does this Goal address the need, including people?
Goals must be TIME-BOUND, with milestones to track progress. Set interim review checkpoints to ensure you are on track and within the time planned, to meet your Goal.
Set up a basic project plan, with milestones based on interim outcomes, making them time sensitive, and unambiguous.
#GoalDigger #Goals #Guccess