S.M.A.R.T. Foundation UK Invitation
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Accepting we still have a long way to go before we reach the tipping point between balanced Health & Safety environment as psychosocial levels of Work/life stress in the 21 Digital Century potentially reaching epidemic proportions affecting the majority of employees being blamed for not being resilient enough to tolerate repetitive stress injuries.
However, it seams rather too busy searching the Future Horizons for occupational health hazards and risks averse addressing retrospective preexisting debilitating workplace stressors affecting 58% by 2007.
Something recognised in the 2016 WHO International Classifications of Diseases under the generic heading of "Asthenopia" visual conditions driven by eye-strain and binocular vision stress linked adaptations.
Whilst it is true to say that those with earlier induced visually impairments, Dyslexia and/or Neurodiverse are at a '4' to '7' fold increased risk of early onset vision stress by comparison with fluent readers average '20' minutes without a visual break the so called neurotypical will still predictably suffer levels of Screen Fatigue or worse "Computer Vision Syndrome" impairing visual performance effectively loosing 20% productivity on-screen.
So far, Accessibility Regulations only apply to minimum Website "Colour Contrast Validation" allowing those with "Contrast Sensitivity" across the population to better "edge-detect" between close colours and shapes particularly letters and words in the foreground against close colours and/or at the other extreme super bright white insidiously glary background or contrast found on Display Screen Devices.
Unfortunately some manufacturers of display screens, in an attempt to reduce power consumption, have introduced software PWM (Pulse Wave Modulation) to manage brightness on screen by switching the screen on and off rapidly to provide the illusion that it is dimmer causing "Flicker".
So, we are currently looking for partners or affiliates to join us in both raising awareness of this retrospective workplace repetitive stressor leading to both Screen Fatigue and within two years of constant visual repetitive stress CVS, exacerbating progressive myopia and asthenopia.
"Colour Contrast Calibration" of Display Screen Equipment ideally aught to be the next personal custom "Reasonable Adjustment" for occupational health and/or "Accommodation" for those experiencing debilitating reading difficulties or excluded from being enabled to be "Digitally Literate" in the 21st Digital Century.
Please feel free to respond with an expression of interest here or contact me directly - [email protected]
In the meantime you are welcome to use, comment and share our free "Score My Screen" Visual Accessibility Risk Assessment on-line app.