Smart Devices Maybe Hazardous To Your Health

Smart Devices Maybe Hazardous To Your Health

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“Exposure to electromagnetic fields is not a new phenomenon. However, during the 20th century, environmental exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has been increasing as growing electricity demand and advancing technologies have created more and more artificial sources. Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of electric and magnetic fields, both at home and at work” states the World Health Organization (WHO).

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)  a division within The World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation (NRFR) which is emitted from cell phones, lap-tops, home appliances and all smart devices, may ultimately be hazardous to you, your children and your employees health. WHO has classified NRFR as a Class 2B Carcinogen, in the same category as Automobile exhaust, DDT, Titanium Dioxide found in Sunscreens, etc. The effects of Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) have been insignificant until recently and as devices continue to permeate our homes, schools and work, WHO is beginning to issue caution because EMF is showing up as the cause of cancer.

 EMF is showing alarming results

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WHO’s fear is that there will be an alarming increase of cancer and other life threatening diseases assaulting our bodies and our culture as EMF devices invade. Testing is beginning to show some alarming results so the 2B classification is the first warning step.

Every smart device (IoT), laptop and mobile phone and tablet emits small amounts of EMF. Until recently though, only an excited perception of how these devices will improve our lives has been on our minds; not much thought has been put into how smart device advancement could do possible harm. WHO is wading in with possible alarming results.

Experts are already begging to warn us about the push towards adoption of smart devices at home and at work. WHO has expressed the need for caution siting corroborating evidence of possible radiation induced cancer. Working in smart buildings containing smart devices controlling HVAC, smart thermostats, smart locks, smart cameras, smart computers, smart printers, smart appliances, smart robots, smart, smart, smart may not be smart at all. Office buildings are being retrofitted with smart devices and office operation centers are beginning to act as Network Operation Centers (NOC) coupled with Security Operation Centers (SOC). Security guard robots are patrolling universities, car garages, parking lots, arenas and more.

Life working in a smart office building

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In the near future, you will enter an office building or facility through a door that activates an Alexa-like voice asking how she or he could be of assistance. You may be carrying a card or a smart device containing all of your personal information and medical information. Opting-in may be voice activated on the spot with you answering yes or no to allow a transfer of data at the field level. You may hear Alexa-like ask “I see you have your personal information available, may I update our records with your “name”, “street address”, “city”, “state” and “zip” and “phone”? If “yes” say “yes”; if “some” say “some” and if “no” say “no”. If you are willing to allow only some of your personal information to be updated Alexa-like will say, “What fields of your personal information will you not allow?” Alexa-like will pause for you to respond. 

GPS tracking will pinpoint your location, again if you opt-in. You might hear, “Is your location visibility allowed?” with you answering ‘yes” or “no”. Your mobile phone will be tapped and phone number recognized as belonging to you with possible verification. Your signing into the building as a guest would be completed by you on your phone after the person you have a meeting with, let’s say Tom, has told Alexa-like, Robin Austin of Colliers Group is coming to a meeting with me at 9:00 a.m. Previously Tom, has spoken commands to Alexa-like with Alexa-like updating both Tom’s calendar and the building security calendar. When Robin Austin walks through the door, accompanied by a smart device holding a key code, it will start the sophisticated security process of entry seamlessly.

 With your permission, privacy is no longer private

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Once you have opted-in, an office building with voice activated elevators recording all employee and guest voices and discussions may be possible. An employee’s personal information is recorded in the database as a part of HR policies but a guest must record specific personal information along with an accepted key-code in order to gain elevator and floor admittance. These procedures may seem scary and harsh with our culture arguing back and forth, for and against definitions of privacy.

As technology advances and we humans become adapted to seamlessly time saving processes, our vulnerability will change as well. Ironically, the vulnerabilities we think we have today may go away but EMF is a possible hidden pervading harmful outcome. The more smart devices, the more power required and the more invisible emissions pass through our bodies daily.

We are in the throes of preventing many types of cancer and healing those with cancers. My hopes are that we don’t create cancers, diseases and promote health issues through technology advancement that may not be prevented and if so, we don’t discover it after many lives have been affected. As we evolve maybe the solution for the harmful human effects of EMF radiation can also evolve. It may be that wearing Shungite pendants and bracelets may become the next heavily marketed product as the solution. Maybe we can discover types of frequencies that won’t produce harmful radiation or maybe our physiology will evolve along with the technology. I am not sure what type of human we would be with the effects of constant radiation of whether our life span will diminish. Typically, until there is a surge of cancer from EMF disrupting our lives there will not be a healthy solution found. Hopefully, prevention will evolve along with the technology but I doubt it.



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