The Smart Coin? Revolution: Transforming Fundraising for Charities and Non-Profits
This article is for anyone directly involved with organizing fundraisers for non-profits or charities

The Smart Coin? Revolution: Transforming Fundraising for Charities and Non-Profits

A Video Breakdown with Anthony and Nina

Philanthropy at Penn State Great Valley Fundraising Fundraising Consultant and Coach, Sarah Squire Fundraising Campaigns Nonprofit Resources Non-profit Program Development Non-profit Leadership

We've all seen traditional methods of fundraising—banquets, auctions, door-to-door solicitations. But what if we told you there's a game-changing method on the horizon? We just released an exciting video discussion with Anthony and Nina (our AI generated actors) that offers an in-depth look at the Smart Coin?, a revolutionary patented fundraising tool that promises to transform how charities and non-profits raise money.

I would appreciate your comments, thoughts and recommendations on how to get this in front of every non-profit struggling to raise money. Become an active participant in this fundraising revolution!

What is the Smart Coin??

Animated image of a smartphone touching a smart coin and a website loads on teh smartphone screen
Tap any NFC enabled device to the coin to launch your charities donation page on their phone.

In the video, Nina introduces the Smart Coin? as "not just another piece of merchandise but a true, tangible connector between a charity and its supporters." What sets this coin apart is its embedded NFC technology, allowing real-time interaction between the donor and the charity.

Key Features and Advantages

Anthony talks about the Smart Coin? being more than just a coin—it's a fully loaded, interactive fundraising tool designed to deepen emotional connections between supporters and causes. The coin is customizable, featuring 3D metal details, and it's dual-plated with matte gold and nickel.

Three Key Asks

Nina discusses the "Three Asks" that charities will pose to those who donate $100 to get the Smart Coin?:

  1. Carry the Coin Daily: To keep the charity top of mind.
  2. Share the Message: By physically putting the coin in people's hands.
  3. Find the Next Donor: With a simple tap of a smartphone, lead them directly to the donation page.

Emotional Connection and Brand Ambassadors

One standout point Anthony makes is how Smart Coins? borrow a tradition from the military. Just as military personnel carry coins from their units to show affiliation, Smart Coins? offer the same sentiment for donors. In essence, they become brand ambassadors for your cause.

Front side of a 2" metal coin. The image on the front is a circuit with binary code around the edge of the coin
Patented NFC NTAG 424 DNA chip embedded custom coin. Put your design or message in the hands of your donors! Free smart coin to the first person who de-codes the binary around the edge of the coin!

The Bottom Line

The Smart Coin? is not your run-of-the-mill fundraiser premium; it's a dynamic shift towards meaningful, technology-driven connections with donors.

Reach out to me to learn more or watch the full video for a comprehensive understanding. Let's change the world of fundraising together!


  • #SmartCoin
  • #NonProfits
  • #Charities
  • #Fundraisers
  • #FundraisingRevolution
  • #TechForGood
  • #BrandAmbassadors
  • #DonorEngagement
  • #NFCtechnology

For more information, visit . Get free artwork and free shipping on your first order if you start before the end of the month!

Gray Water Ops logo. Gray Water Ops is a veteran owned business with a patented NFC embedded custom minted Smart Coin(TM)
Minimum order for custom smart coins(TM) is 200 coins. I can help you raise more money with your next fundraiser.


