Karl Dakin
Capital Coach | Stakeholder Investor Campaigns | Design, Stage, and Manage or Support | Reduce Time, Money, and Risk of Raising Funding | Increase Probability of Success! | Opportunity Management
"Fortune favors the bold investor—but even bold ideas need a solid roadmap."
?Investment pitches that leave the investor to fill in the blanks, to define terms, or to adopt a vision unsupported by facts is a demonstration of naivete or ego. It leaves the investor with the burden of working hard to find facts that should have been provided or to choose a different pitch that respects the time and capabilities of the investor candidate.
?TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 19 – Belize Real Estate & Lifestyles show – Starting a Business in Belize -
Investor ID Webinar - April 2 – 8 am to 9 am Mountain Time, 10 am to 11 am Eastern Time -Targeting High Probability Investor Candidates: Finding Your Funding Soulmate – 1st in Four-Part Weekly Series starts on -
In my work to design, develop, and implement/install/construct a smart city, I am working toward a universal design template, which may be comprised of dozens or possibly hundreds of individual investment opportunities.
?As with any enterprise, I start with a group of activities I offer in a service package as Business Model Development ( This starting point serves as a primary building block in a venture. This service is included within the more extensive set of services for Opportunity Due Diligence and Assessment (
?Within the business model, every revenue stream is identified. In looking at Smart Cities, I have preliminarily adopted five groups of activities that should each generate revenue.
·??????? Smart Knowledge
·??????? Smart Space
·??????? Smart Digital (changed from Smart City to focus on digital interconnectedness)
·?????? Smart Economy
·?????? Smart Community
This Funding Point article focuses on Smart Digital. Some people limit their definition of Smart Cities to digital connectedness and technology. However, connecting two inefficient or dysfunctional points may not yield enough benefit to justify the investment. I have observed that many Smart City proposals and discussions fail to consider the currently available technology or pending innovation releases to accommodate the status quo, diluting the potential benefits.
To aid me in developing a business model and associating funding, I have chosen to start with a blank slate or ‘greenfield’ approach. In addition, I treat a Smart City not as a bunch of connections between disparate, sometimes incompatible, and occasionally counterproductive parts but as a singular whole. I want every activity of a Smart City to have access to all possible information to be used when needed.
The next step is to identify each activity that may be performed by a government in its operations and in providing services to its constituents. This is the same type of analysis performed to assess the data needs of any organization. Many processes and techniques for performing this analysis are available through different software platforms or consulting services.
I then add to my analysis all activities of any resident or visitor that a government or business may provide. Different cities offer different types and levels of services, often forcing residents to individually perform the same activity that could be performed by the government (or its contractors) at a lower cost with higher quality. ?
My goal is to identify all activities that may be provided to a resident in a smart city as a service. Setting aside momentarily the issues regarding the superiority of services or market competition, I am working to identify all information needed to perform all activities. Starting with the city as a single enterprise and its information need, analysis is shifted to every resident and to every business or organization that may operate to sell products or services to any resident.
Within the scope of this analysis, I am looking for any information that may enrich the lives of residents or visitors. The goal of a Smart City should be to make all lives better in a never-ending search for perfection.
Knowing what information is needed and what information is available provides the framework for transferring and accessing information. Where more information is required, a Smart City will include operations to produce or create that information.
As an example, when public safety was threatened in London, video cameras were set up everywhere with the ability to identify threats before they became realities.
Admittedly, my approach presents solutions that may be cost-prohibitive when implemented in a built urban area. In the same way that installing a sprinkler system in a building may be too costly in a building retrofit, some information and delivery/access systems may be too expensive.
Standard design is essential. Every building, roadway, power line, resident, or organization should be held to minimum design standards. If we can force people to put sprinklers in buildings to enhance safety and reduce damage from fire, we can also mandate the installation of data sensors that aid first responders in managing a fire in progress. In a Smart City, there should be no excuse for asking a public safety officer, fireperson, or MedTech to respond to an emergency and have to guess what is going on inside a building.
Similarly, water, sewer, power, or other meters or sensors should provide real-time information for management and billing.
Every creation, storage, or transfer of information may represent a revenue stream supporting a sustainable business. This provides the framework for funding the capital cost and ongoing operations of digital connectedness.
?Technical articles on revenue sharing from Google Scholar include:
Books available on Amazon:
THIS MORNING, I hosted my Successful Funding show, where the topic was funding Smart Cities. Dr. Tom Frey, the futurist, will be my guest. We will discuss several ways in which a city of the future may differ from today and how the concept of a Smart City as a sustainable business enterprise answering to its residents as stockholders could reduce bureaucracy.
You may view the recording of the show at:
TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 19, Boris Mannsfeld with Boris Mannsfeld & Associates and I will host the Belize Real Estate and Lifestyles show where we will discuss starting a business in Belize. 8 am Mountain Time, 10 am Eastern Time.
You may view the show live or see the recording of the show at:
Targeting High Probability Investor Candidates: Finding Your Funding Soulmate
The webinar of this education program will be presented three more times this year:
·?????? April 2, 9, 16, 23
·?????? July 2, 9, 16, 23
·?????? Oct 1, 8, 15, 22
The education program includes:
· Artificial Intelligence Avatar - Attendees will have one year of online access to a custom AI avatar on the topic of identifying investor candidates.
· Book - Attendees will receive a digital copy of a book on matching their businesses and funding needs with investor candidates who need the businesses to succeed to attain their own goals.
· Workshop - A half-day webinar will be presented on Zoom on Thursday, January 16, 2025, from 11 am to 1 pm Eastern Time, 9 am to 1 pm Mountain Time by Karl Dakin.
· Consult -? Each attendee will receive one-half hour of consultation with Karl Dakin on their funding challenges.
Discover how to secure funding more effectively and efficiently. By targeting the right investor candidates, you can tailor your entire campaign, from offer to closing, to match these candidates - achieving greater success in less time and with reduced costs.
This avtor is designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, community leaders, charities, service providers, and economic developers responsible for raising funding.
Readers of this Instant Funding newsletter qualify for the discounted price of $400 (marked down from $500). Go to Register. Select the Funding Fans ticket and use the discount code FundingFan2025.
I recognize that many readers of this Instant Funding newsletter have questions about funding that are not answered by the newsletter. I am available for a 15-minute phone/video call about your funding questions. This is to let you know there is no charge for this call. Just contact me to schedule a time at [email protected].
You may subscribe to the daily edition (Monday through Friday) or the weekly edition (all daily editions compiled on Fridays) to this Instant Funding newsletter.
Karl Dakin, the Capital Coach
Dakin Capital LLC
1 周That's veary informative and great service is good for the people around the world thanks for sharing this best wishes to each and everyone their ?????????????????????????
Capital Coach | Stakeholder Investor Campaigns | Design, Stage, and Manage or Support | Reduce Time, Money, and Risk of Raising Funding | Increase Probability of Success! | Opportunity Management
1 周What information would your Smart City need to optimize your life?