A Small Tip For Power shell Scriptwriters
Sreejish Nair
Delivery Director, NTT Data Services ( Banking Projects , Prince2,ITIL , AWS ,VMware ,Automation, Scripting , People Management, Client Escalation Handling, New Deals, Cost Model reviews ,SOW reviews, Risk Management )
While Working on a Power shell script to Fetch details from a List of remote servers , I came across a Situation -
I noticed that the script will "Pause " For some time for me to hit a key ..It happened frequently . Then I found the reason - The power shell Console was in "Select Mode " That means , there is a "Select Windows Power shell " in title Bar
This happens when you accidentally click in the power-shell window when the script is being executed . and when the Console is in this Mode, you need to hit a key for the script to go to next execution cycle.
To Solve this issue , RIGHT CLICK anywhere in the Power shell Console and you can See that the console exits the "Select" Mode and Title bar changes to -