A Small Thanks to some very Amazing People!!

A Small Thanks to some very Amazing People!!

To my amazing Linkedin family,

I wish to take a moment out of my day to express my heart-felt thanks to so many of my colleagues and friends here on Linkedin.  I must admit, over the past 30+ years, I have been very fortunate to have met some amazing people and quality friendships. Unfortunately, and probably due to the type of work I do, I have also realized that much of my adult life has been dealing with people's hardships, sadness, pain, grief and disconnection with the World around them. Although I have enjoyed a very rich and rewarding career, I must admit that, as I have become older (Shhh - I'm keeping it a secret - LOL), I have noticed an inner struggle within myself to see and find the happiness and joy that once seemed to come so easily and freely.  Please, don't get me wrong - I'm in no way depressed or "disgruntled" (I loath that word), but it does seem harder today, more than ever before, to find the simplicity of "happiness" that once presented itself with such uninhibited ease.

No doubt, we do live in an ever-changing World, and not all things have turned out quite the way many of us would have hoped. None-the-less, it needs to be said that there are still, and always will be, so many very good people in this World.  I do find it a little more challenging some days to always encounter "these" people, with the same frequency, and to the same degree, as I once did, but I have always held the conviction that such people are out there, and continue to share their many gifts with those they embrace, each and every day.  I sincerely hope that I can be counted amongst those individuals who understand what "real" integrity and decency is and, that I demonstrate, as much as ever before (and even more), the value and appreciation I hold for others - their kindness, and their generosity, shown toward me, and all others whose lives they have touched.

This has been a prevailing reflection I have been experiencing over the past 6 or 7 months now. When I woke up this morning and noticed the phenomenal number of folks who had messaged me their congratulations on my company's anniversary, it  really struck me personally and genuinely. Here are people I have never met, who know very little (to nothing) about me, and yet, they have taken the time and effort out of their day to send their well wishes and congratulatory comments my way.  At the risk of making too much out of this seemingly "simple" act, I have to say, truthfully, your kindness has touched me profoundly and has made my day much brighter and certainly much happier today.

A lot has taken place over the past months: Some examples include, struggling to keep a company afloat in a Community left damaged and suffering following a natural disaster; losing my family home and business in this same wildfire disaster; a number of setbacks resulting from a lack of work, resources and opportunity; a major move across the country to a new home (in a new Province, no less); and, even the "realities" of being homeless and fearful for my future, and that of my family.  Again, the kindness of others has shown no boundaries.  Friends have opened their homes to us (in fact, we are still with friends at this current time), and the over-whelming response from Canadians (and Americans), from coast to coast, during the evacuation of Fort McMurray was something one truly had to witness for themselves to fully understand and appreciate the enormous impact their acts of kindness and concern had on so many of us.

I realized something this morning though.  It's something I believe I already knew, but perhaps, simply lost track of in the midst of all the issues and challenges my family and I continue to face.  Life is good!  It can certainly wallop you a good left hook when it chooses (LOL), but seriously, for all intent and purpose, we are all in fairly good health, we have new opportunities and new aspirations for our future, we continue to be supported and encouraged by so many friends, family and even strangers, and, perhaps most important of all, we still hold on to hope, promise and faith of better days ahead. It may not sound as dramatic as it feels, but as someone who, over the past three decades, has provided others with a sense of hope and promise, it really is the first time (in a very long time) that I have personally noticed these qualities and senses coming through IN ME with such meaningful strength, confidence and conviction.

I have no idea what the future holds however, I do know that my family and I will be ok.  In fact, we will be better than "just ok"!  I suspect, like most good things in life, it will take some time, patience and a little elbow grease, but that's certainly nothing new to us and doesn't send us running in the opposite direction.  It is surely a new chapter in our lives, and although we never suspected (at our ages) that we would be "starting all over" again, it does present itself with some intrigue and fascination in having a second chance to make a new beginning.  We will always miss some of the history and memories lost in the disaster but we are looking forward and continue to believe in ourselves, and others around us, in a new light and with a renewed determination and lasting "enjoyment" that I haven't experienced in years.

"Thank you" is but a small contribution to all of you who have shown to me, and all those you interact with each day, the kindness, compassion, generosity and integrity that makes you such amazing and wonderful people.  In a society where it has become easier to lose sight sometimes of the "good" and "positives" which exist, we all need to be reminded that we haven't lost these special qualities we all remember and enjoyed so favourably in our early years.  They do still exist and are ever present all around us. We only need to see them with the same clarity and conviction that we once did, and perhaps, have always held so true to our hearts and souls.

As I continue on with my day, I wish you all much happiness, success (in whatever terms this represents for you personally) and much peace and harmony in the journeys ahead of you, along with the numerous challenges they represent.  Remember, while you continue on your journey, that you have something that you can never lose or have taken away from you. There's no one specific word that describes this "something"; it's simply an combination of attributes, qualities, and convictions that - believe it or not, don't segregate you from others, but rather, unites you and draws you closer than ever before with those who share similar truths and visions.  For me personally, I am grateful for the lessons learned, the experiences achieved, and the growth that has made me stronger and more capable than ever before.  YOU have helped me to realize this (again), and I am most grateful for this beautiful "gift" you have shared with me - through your kind and attentive resolve to be the BEST that you can be, simply because it's "who you are"!

God Bless, and best wishes to you all, now and throughout this 2017 New Year!

All my love and respect,

Craig Maguire

Les Leonhardt

Shaw National Business Sales Advisor

7 年

Well put Craig! Let 2017 be a year of new growth and prosperity! (as you so eloquently put "in whatever terms this represents for you personally")


