Small Steps and the Power of Community
Victoria Brooks
Adopting an AI Supported Lifestyle | Author of Breaking Barriers: A Woman of Color's Guide to Thriving in Tech (and Other) Sales | Tech Sales Rep and Former Leader | Marketing Enthusiast
As the year winds down, I'm reviewing my goals for the rest of this year. I've found new meaning in some of the content presented at the Austin Film Festival. I've attended the festival for years, but this year, contrary to previous years, was a different kind of experience. I'm sure some of it was post-pandemic related, as we all hunger to be around other people again.
In one of the closing panels, Shane Black (yes, the iconic Shane Black) shared the power of small steps. It is one of his famous speeches I've heard multiple times. He speaks of typing one word and how that one word became a sentence, which later became a script. That eventually became his livelihood and made him a legend.??
Coming out of the pandemic, frankly, shook me to the core. Facing that much death served as a reality check, of which I'll never be the same. It's why I've taken more trips this year than I have in the last five. I'm on track to hit most of my goals. It's a strange path I traversed. I wonder how many are turning their lives around due to the trauma they endured these last couple of years.
Last year, I was frustrated. I felt I had no upward mobility at the time despite taking all the right actions. My life's journey has been overcoming obstacles by finding a way by any means necessary. So I was bound and determined to find another way. I stumbled upon #GirlsClub . It was an excellent program that taught me the core skills of a sales leader. They also paired me with two executive male allies.?
One asked me what my dreams were. I decided to get vulnerable, share my most audacious goals, brace myself, and wait for judgment. I've learned to keep my goals and dreams private from others because I've had people try to tear down my dreams. Frankly, I was iffy on whether to share them with him.
He didn't laugh, tell me I was unrealistic (which I've heard more than once), or disregard it. He thoughtfully mapped out a plan, which included "locking myself away to write." Neither envisioned my trip to Ghost Ranch, NM, for the AFF's Writer's Retreat, nor how it would change my life.
This led to a community of writers whom I meet with regularly online.
This week was Christmas on Hallow's Eve. I met with fellow up-and-coming female sales leaders at #GirlsClub . There was no female bullying, only support and transparent, real convos about what we usually can't say out loud. I ran into a friend from college, and we caught up. It's interesting looking back at who we were then and where we are now. Life is unexpected.
Then I flew back home to join my writer community and reunite to celebrate good times. Seeing everyone was good for the soul—so many hugs. I still need more, frankly. I've gone two years hugless during Covid. I'm going to catch up sooner or later. Hugs are g-g-great!?
We laughed. We cried. We shared the struggles going on in our lives.?
During the festival, one of my tires blew, and I parked near a homeless encampment as it was getting dark. Two writers came over and helped me to change it for the spare. First, Katie Harrington arrived on the scene. Looking like one of Charlie's angels, she single-handedly planned on saving me with the power of a triple-A membership. I could have sworn her asymmetrical top resembled a cape when the wind blew. She was no stranger to taking the reigns in tough times, and I was grateful for her guidance.
Yet, have no fear because Todd (Waldron) was here. He helped me get the jack out of the car, which was a feat in and of itself. That jack was holding on for dear life. I had struggled with it for quite some time before his arrival. He then changed my tire so I could drive home. The following day, Discount Tire helped me get back on my way with all-new tires.??
They could have easily ignored the text, but they jumped into action like the everyday superheroes we all can be. We can all take steps that change our lives as well as others. They changed my life that day, even if only for a day. It reminded me of the good in people. Sometimes I need that reminder.
I've changed my life this year through small steps, even if I didn't recognize it at the time.
I applied for #GirlsClub out of anger and spite because no one puts Victoria in the corner. I mean, no one.
I took that one small step, then another.?
In it, I found a supportive community of people who are in the process of becoming. People who aren't interested in taking others down because they are too busy chasing their dreams. It's the kind of community I heard existed but never felt. I'm taking one step at a time down my path to becoming legendary in whatever it is that I become along with other legends in the making.
Until then, I'll have good times with good people, taking one step after another.??
- Thanks, Shane, for once again knowing what to say and saying it.?
- Thanks to the AFF crew for providing these spaces for us to live, love, and learn - to grow together.?
- Thank you to the #GirlsClub crew for believing in me and giving me that chance when others didn't.
- Thanks to my mentor Melissa for believing in me when it wasn't socially acceptable to do so. It takes a strong person to do so. I won't forget that.
Most of all, thank you to all the wonderful folks I've met. I look forward to continuing to grow with and be inspired by you.