That's one small step for man, one giant leap for machine learning
Pedro Camargos
Electrical Engineer | Teacher | Electrical Studies |Power Systems Engineer | Power Consulting | Russian Learner
Artificial neural networks were developed to simulate the functioning of a network of biological neurons. The artificial neuron or not is a logical unit, fed by inputs that compute an output. In 1969 computer scientists Marvin Lee Minsky and Seymour Aubrey Papert improved the artificial neuron model proposed by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943. Minsky and Papert, in 1969, developed a new mathematical model, known as a perceptron (see Fig 1).
The perceptron receives the input signals, x, and returns a neuron output y. The vector w and the bias, b, are responsible for storing the neural network information. Finally, the activation function, σ, determines the behavior of the perceptron.
Fig 1. Perceptron model
So how perceptron trained? Hebb's rule largely inspired the perceptron training algorithm proposed by Rosenblatt*. The perceptron learning rule strongly resembles Stochastic Gradient Descent, where the weight updates as follows,
where η is the learning rate, ? target output.
*for more information please consult
[1] Géron, Aurélien. Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, tools, and techniques to build intelligent systems. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
[2] McCulloch, Warren S., and Walter Pitts. "A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity." The bulletin of mathematical biophysics 5.4 (1943): 115-133.
[3] Minsky, Marvin, and Seymour Papert. "An introduction to computational geometry." Cambridge tiass., HIT (1969).