A small rant about "money", and "value"... (3 minute read)

A small rant about "money", and "value"... (3 minute read)

When you wake up in the morning, do you say to yourself .. "Boy, I'd love to have an average day, be in an average mood, and get average results". I seriously hope not, yet a ton of people (including myself sometimes) are saying this to themselves without speaking a single word.  

If you don't enjoy the fact that I am going to talk about money here, I apologize but it is just a simple metric to use that essentially scores how well a person is doing in life (and even that sentence probably didn't sound good). 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck each and every month, and a very small percentage of people control an enormous percentage of all of the wealth on planet earth.

Why could that be? Is it because they got lucky? Did they get it handed down to them? Are they super good looking and dont have to work for anything? Maybe, yes .. For a very small percentage, that is possible. But I can assure you that there is not a shortage of money on this planet, and certainly not a shortage of ways to get it.

I want to simply shed some light on the idea that these people (some call them, the 1%-ers) might just think about the world, and about money in a different way. Even the most basic business book will tell you; the single way a business is able to function, is by getting a person to pay more for their thing (product, service, etc.) than it took to produce that thing. This "thing" must bring more value (monetary or not) to that person, or that thing will become irrelevant.

So now that I have explained exactly what a business does, you now need to look at your individual self as a business. And when you do this, you realize that making money (even if you are an employee, and not a business owner) is simply a process of bringing more value to another person, that they had to give you in money. And repeat.

It turns out there is no limit to how many times you can repeat this process. And there is also not a limit to how many different ways you could bring value to the world. Now the main point of this article is this...

You NEED to make more money .. And to do that, you must bring value. Massive amounts of value.

Everyone knows that they need to make more money. EVERYONE. And if they will not admit it, then they have been convinced otherwise through a life of despising people who DO have money.

I am here to tell you, that it is alright to have money. It is perfectly fine to want money, and if you keep convincing yourself that you do not need money; you will never have more money!

Back to the "value" subject .. Even though it is simply paper, MONEY IS VALUABLE. Money is how we trade for goods and services on planet earth, and it has been since day one (even though it might not look the same). Money solves problems. Money gives people opportunity. Money sends your kid through school. Money pays for that vacation you have been wanting to take. Money does all of these wonderful things, yet people have developed a distain for even the word itself... "money".

Once you change your thinking from "money is bad", to "money is valuable"; you allow yourself to start thinking big. Giant. Massive. For you, for your family, and for your business. Once again, the way you make money is by bringing value to others. Bringing value to others will always be a good thing, so stop being afraid of making money.

Filling your full potential, DOES include this thing called money.

 It is ridiculous that you have made it this far into the article. I seriously appreciate it. You are the best for reading this whole thing. If you want to connect, please reach out in a "like", a "comment", a "share", or my favorite... a "DM".

I hope this at least grabbed one persons attention. Have a good rest of your day!



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